9Über ErfüllungDeutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie 72 (3): 413-431. 2024.In his 1956 book Das Gemüt, Stephan Strasser presents an original phenomenological investigation into human happiness and pleasure. We will examine Strasser’s theory of happiness in more detail and reveal how he incorporates important phenomenological insights from Thomas Aquinas’ theory of the passions of the soul. Both Strasser and Aquinas view happiness as the fulfilment of intentional striving and differentiate between various feelings associated with the pursuit and attainment of a goal, su…Read more
6‘Teleological Mechanics of the Mind’: Herbart and Lipps on TendencyHuman Studies 1-34. forthcoming.This article sheds light on a today mostly forgotten though highly influential thinker: Theodor Lipps. It explores the notion of ‘tendency’ in his work, a hitherto insufficiently examined yet central concept of the Munich philosopher. More specifically, the paper examines how Lipps utilizes the term to describe important structures of experience. By illuminating the various ways in which Lipps refers to tendencies, it aims to reconstruct important pillars of his theory of experience. This theory…Read more
24Introduction: Affect, Tendency, Drive—Perspectives on the Basic Structures of IntentionalityHuman Studies 1-11. forthcoming.
On the scope of interpersonal explanation : destructivity and emptiness as responses to felt dependencyIn Christian Tewes & Giovanni Stanghellini (eds.), Time and Body: Phenomenological and Psychopathological Approaches, Cambridge University Press. 2020.
Nobody? Disturbed self-experience in borderline personality disorder and four kinds of instabilityIn Christian Tewes & Giovanni Stanghellini (eds.), Time and Body: Phenomenological and Psychopathological Approaches, Cambridge University Press. 2020.
14Variety in the Experience of Pain and Its ExplanationConstructivist Foundations 17 (2): 154-156. 2022.Open peer commentary on the article “Kaleidoscope of Pain: What and How Do You See Through It” by Maja Smrdu. Abstract: Welcoming Smrdu’s proposal to shed light on the experience of pain through the lens of phenomenology and enactivism, I offer two suggestions that may support the kind of 5E approach to pain she develops. First, I argue that a shift from the biopsychosocial model to a phenomenological 5E theory requires understanding “experience” as functioning as both explanans and explanandum.…Read more
40Interacting with Machines: Can an Artificially Intelligent Agent Be a Partner?Philosophy and Technology 36 (3): 1-32. 2023.In the past decade, the fields of machine learning and artificial intelligence (AI) have seen unprecedented developments that raise human-machine interactions (HMI) to the next level.Smart machines, i.e., machines endowed with artificially intelligent systems, have lost their character as mere instruments. This, at least, seems to be the case if one considers how humans experience their interactions with them. Smart machines are construed to serve complex functions involving increasing degrees o…Read more
32On Experiential LonelinessTopoi 42 (5): 1093-1108. 2023.Presumably, everyone has, at some point in their lives, felt lonely. Loneliness is, in that particular sense, omnipresent. What it feels like to be lonely can, however, vary significantly. Loneliness is far from being a homogeneous phenomenon. Different kinds of loneliness need to be distinguished, considering its causes, contexts, a person’s capacities to cope with it, and many other factors. This paper introduces the notion of a specific kind of loneliness: experiential loneliness. Experientia…Read more
13Value in Existence: Lotze, Lipps, and Voigtländer on Feelings of Self-WorthIn Íngrid Vendrell Ferran (ed.), Else Voigtländer: Self, Emotion, and Sociality, Springer, Women in the History of Philosophy and Sciences. pp. 25-46. 2023.This chapter compares Lotze’s, Lipps’, and Voigtländer’s notion of feelings of self-worth in order to carve out the specific and genuine aspects of Voigtländer’s understanding of self-feeling, as developed in her dissertation. Three lines of thinking important to her approach to the constitution of self-feeling are identified. While primarily sitting on an axis that stretches from the post-romantic Lotze via the descriptive psychologist Lipps to what is later understood as phenomenological philo…Read more
13Eine Diskussion mit Markus Gabriel: phänomenologische Positionen zum Neuen Realismus (edited book)Verlag Turia + Kant. 2017.
40Emotional Feelings: Evaluative Perceptions or Position-Takings? Introduction to the Special SectionEmotion Review 14 (4): 233-243. 2022.Emotion Review, Volume 14, Issue 4, Page 233-243, October 2022. This special section of Emotion Review is devoted to the discussion of a recent philosophical emotion theory, the theory of emotions as affective position-takings. The aims of the special section are to provide readers with a spotlight view of recent research in the philosophy of emotion, to advance emotion theory, and support the interdisciplinary dialogue. To increase the accessibility of the special section texts to a nonphilosop…Read more
48The Epistemological Dimension of Emotional Feeling and Other Affective PhenomenaEmotion Review 14 (4): 264-269. 2022.Emotion Review, Volume 14, Issue 4, Page 264-269, October 2022. Müller's position-taking view of emotions takes issue with the widely endorsed philosophical notion that emotional feelings are a form of consciousness in which we become acquainted with the evaluative properties of objects and events. Müller rejects this perceptual theory of emotions and casts doubt on the idea that it is through emotional feeling that we develop an awareness of value. In so doing, his proposal amounts to a denial …Read more
62Affective Instability and Emotion Dysregulation as a Social ImpairmentFrontiers in Psychology 13. 2022.Borderline personality disorder is a complex psychopathological phenomenon. It is usually thought to consist in a vast instability of different aspects that are central to our experience of the world, and to manifest as “a pervasive pattern of instability of interpersonal relationships, self-image, and affects, and marked impulsivity” [American Psychiatric Association, 2013, p. 663]. Typically, of the instability triad—instability in self, affect and emotion, and interpersonal relationships—only…Read more
33Crossing the Lines: Manipulation, Social Impairment, and a Challenging Emotional LifePhenomenology and Mind 21 62-72. 2021.Manipulation or manipulative behavior, which is widespread in many life contexts and interpersonal relationships, is mostly associated with a negative connotation. Often considered roughly a form of control over others that cannot be equated with coercion or argumentation, manipulation is an umbrella term for strategies that serve to make another person (or oneself) experience x or do y or induce certain situations and interpersonal constellations. Frequently, the use of manipulative strategies …Read more
91The unbearable dispersal of being: Narrativity and personal identity in borderline personality disorderPhenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 20 (2): 321-340. 2020.Borderline personality disorder (BPD) is characterized by severe disturbances in a subject’s sense of identity. Persons with BPD suffer from recurrent feelings of emptiness, a lack of self-feeling, and painful incoherence, especially regarding their own desires, how they see and feel about others, their life goals, or the roles to which they commit themselves. Over the past decade or so, clinical psychologists, psychotherapists, and psychiatrists have turned to philosophical conceptions of selfh…Read more
34Review of The Given. Experience and its Content by Michelle Montague, Oxford University Press, 2016 (review)Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 18 (2): 459-465. 2019.
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