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    A Solution to the Raven Paradox: A Redefinition of the Notion of Instance
    Journal of the Indian Council of Philosophical Research 34 (1): 99-109. 2017.
    In this paper, I critically analyse two strands of Bayesian solution to the paradox: the standard Bayesian solution and the attempts to refute Nicod’s criterion. I argue that the standard Bayesian solution evades the exact challenge of the paradox. I hold that though the NC or instance confirmation is imprecisely formulated, it cannot be ruled out as an invalid form of confirmation. I formulate three conditions of instance confirmation which sufficiently captures our intuitive notion of instance…Read more
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    Defining Background Information: A Solution to the Problem of Old Evidence
    Journal of the Indian Council of Philosophical Research 35 (2): 297-304. 2018.
    This paper discusses an aspect of the problem of old evidence which I call here the general problem of old evidence. The probability of old evidence is one or close to one, because background information K entails the evidence E or K consists of propositions which make E probable. In the literature, K is considered as a proposition relevant to E. Based on examples, I argue that K does not support the truth of E; instead, K supports the evidential status of E. I define background information as a…Read more