Il cogito nel Medioevo: Convegno internazionale, Roma, 13-14 ottobre 2020 (edited book)If Press. 2024.
La división de las ciencias en AristótelesAlpha Omega 3 (1): 41-59. 2000.Aristotle proposed in the famous part of his 6th Book of Metaphysics a triple categorization of speculative sciences (physics, mathematics, first philosophy). Some scholars have considered this classical division as an unlawful and inconsistent Platonic residue of the parallelism between knowledge and reality. Others have numbered Aristotle among the upholders of the scholastic doctrine of the so-called degrees of abstraction. After having profoundly examined texts of the Corpus Aristotelicum (M…Read more
10The volume presents the proceedings of the international symposium, fruit of a common research project engaged in by 48 scholars, that took place in Rome to celebrate the 8th centennial of Saint Bonaventure's birth. The theme, "Deus summe cognoscibilis", could sound, in the contemporary agnostic, secular context, like a provocation. The approach, however, of the symposium was to consider "the current theological relevance of Saint Bonaventure", focusing on thinking with our author about a number…Read more
7Il rapporto fede-ragione nel pensiero ebraico-cristiano-islamico medievale (edited book)If Press. 2018.
12Raccolta di saggi in onore di Marco Arosio (edited book)If Press. 2014.Il presente volume, il primo della collana Ricerche di Storia della Filosofia e Teologia Medioevali in onore del Professor Marco Arosio, offre agli esperti e ai cultori degli studi medievali i contributi che - secondo il giudizio della giuria e in accordo con quanto stabilito dal bando del Premio Marco Arosio - sono stati considerati meritevoli di essere pubblicati. Il libro, curato da Marco Martorana, Rafael Pascual e Veronica Regoli, presenta i saggi di otto autori, dei trentuno partecipanti a…Read more
9The doctrine of abstraction is fundamental to the Aristotelian-Thomistic theory of knowledge. The article seeks to present the foundation for this doctrine, from both the epistemological and the ontological points of view, examining the conditions in which abstraction is legitimate, according to its various modes, giving rise to different types of knowledge and grounding the division of the speculative sciences. The analysis is based above all upon the profound analysis of the Angelic Doctor in …Read more
40Is Intelligent Design a Scientific Alternative to Evolution? The Catholic Church Teaching about evolution, creation and intelligent designAlpha Omega 22 (2): 361-377. 2019.The aim of this article is to clarify the epistemic status of the Intelligent Design proposal. We can consider it as an updated version of the classical ways of demonstrating the existence of God, in particular of the so-called “fifth way”. As such, it seems to be neither scientific nor properly theological, but rather a proposal at a rational-philosophical level. At the same time, it must also be made clear that the negation of purpose in evolutionary biological processes is similarly a philoso…Read more
Boecio y la división de las ciencias especulativas en el De TrinitateAlpha Omega 4 (1): 67-86. 2001.Boethius can be considered as the ideal middleman between the Greek Roman classical world and the medieval one. His influence in the western thought is difficult to gauge. In the article we point out the continuity of thought between Aristotle, Boethius, and successively Thomas Aquinas, in a very important epistemological question: the division of the speculative sciences. Boethius addresses the topic on two occasions: in the first commentary to Porphyry's Isagoge, and in the brief treatise De T…Read more
1149La pretensión de verdad del cristianismo a la luz del pensamiento de Joseph RatzingerAlpha Omega 13 (3): 377-391. 2010.La questione sulla verità del cristianesimo è fondamentale e ineludibile. In essa si trova uno dei filoni fondamentali del pensiero di Joseph Ratzinger – Benedetto XVI. In fondo si trovano coinvolti una serie di argomenti che si possono riassumere nel rapporto tra fede e ragione, tra il Dio della fede e il Dio dei filosofi. Nella visione cristiana ambedue non si contrappongono, ma s’incontrano. La “distinzione mosaica” s’incontra con la “distinzione socratica” . La pretesa di verità del cristian…Read more
Avicena y la división de las ciencias especulativas en base al subiectum scientiaeAlpha Omega 6 (2): 283-300. 2003.Dopo aver studiato l’argomento della divisione delle scienze speculative in Aristotele e Boezio, riprendiamo la marcia della nostra ricerca presentando il pensiero di Avicenna al riguardo. Bisogna ammettere l’importanza del suo contributo per lo sviluppo della filosofia, e in modo particolare la metafisica, nell’occidente medievale, senza il quale non si può cogliere la continuità e i cambiamenti progressivi nelle diverse edizioni di questa scienza regina del sapere razionale umano. Avicenna ins…Read more
Ateneo Pontificio Regina ApostolorumProfessor
Pontificia Universita Gregoriana
PhD, 2003
Areas of Specialization
Metaphysics and Epistemology |
Science, Logic, and Mathematics |
History of Western Philosophy |
Other Academic Areas |