Social ontology, normativity and law (edited book)De Gruyter. 2020.This volume contains the proceedings of the Social Ontology, Normativity, and Philosophy of Law conference, which took place on May 30-31, 2019 at the University of Glasgow. At the invitation of the Social Ontology Research Group, a panel of prominent scholars shed light on a range of key topics within social ontology, normativity, and philosophy of law from an interdiciplinary perspective.
28Social Ontology in the Making (edited book)De Gruyter. 2020.This collection does not only include articles by Raimo Tuomela and his co-authors which have been decisive in social ontology. An extensive introduction provides an account of the impact of the works, the most important debates in the field, and also addresses future issues. Thus, the book gives insights that are still viable and worthy of further scrutiny and development, making it an inspiring source for those engaged in the debates of the field today.
138Group Agents and Their ResponsibilityThe Journal of Ethics 20 (1-3): 299-316. 2016.Group agents are able to act but are not literally agents. Some group agents, e.g., we-mode groups and corporations, can, however, be regarded as functional group agents that do not have “intrinsic” mental states and phenomenal features comparable to what their individual members on biological and psychological grounds have. But they can have “extrinsic” mental states, states collectively attributed to them—primarily by their members. In this paper, we discuss the responsibility of such group ag…Read more
62Group Action and Group ResponsibilityProtoSociology 16 195-214. 2002.In this paper a social group’s (retrospective) responsibility for its actions and their consequences are investigated from a philosophical point of view. Building on Tuomela’s theory of group action, the paper argues that group responsibility can be analyzed in terms of what its members (jointly) think and do qua group members. When a group is held responsible for some action, its members, acting qua members of the group, can collectively be regarded as praiseworthy or blameworthy, in the light …Read more
85Social Ontology, Normativity and Law (edited book)De Gruyter. 2020.This volume contains the proceedings of the Social Ontology, Normativity, and Philosophy of Law conference, which took place on May 30–31, 2019 at the University of Glasgow. At the invitation of the Social Ontology Research Group, a panel of prominent scholars shed light on a range of key topics within social ontology, normativity, and philosophy of law from an interdisciplinary perspective.
283Socializing Metaphysics: The Nature of Social RealityRowman & Littlefield Publishers. 2003.Socializing Metaphysics supplies diverse answers to the basic questions of social metaphysics, from a broad array of voices. It will interest all philosophers and social scientists concerned with mind, action, or the foundations of social theory.
9Joint ActionIn Nikos Psarros & Katinka Schulte-Ostermann (eds.), Facets of Sociality, De Gruyter. pp. 169-208. 2006.
12Neue Versuche über Erklären und Verstehen (edited book)Suhrkamp. 1978.Riedel, M. Teleologische Erklärung und praktische Begründung.--Tuomela, R. Erklären und Verstehen menschlichen Verhaltens.--Hertzberg, L. Sich Entscheiden.--Kim, J. Intention und praktischer Schluss.--Stoutland, F. Die kausale Theorie der Handlung.--Martin, R. Erklären und Verstehen in den Geschichtswissenschaften.--Niiniluoto, I. Induktive Erklärung, Disposition und Handlung.--Meggle, G. Eine Handlung verstehen.--Wright. G. H. v. Erwiederungen.
227Two kinds of we-reasoningEconomics and Philosophy 26 (3): 291-320. 2010.Page 1. Economics and Philosophy, 26 291--320 Copyright C Cambridge University Press doi: 10.1017 / S0266267110000386 TWO KINDS OF WE-REASONING RAUL HAKLI, KAARLO MILLER AND RAIMO TUOMELA University of Helsinki.
Scienza, protoscienza e pseudoscienzaIn Marcello Pera & Joseph C. Pitt (eds.), I Modi del progresso: teorie e episodi della razionalità scientifica, Il Saggiatore. 1985.
17Critical noticesInternational Journal of Philosophical Studies 2 (2). 1994.Rationality, Symbolism and EvolutionThe Nature of Rationality By Robert Nozick Princeton University Press, 1993. Pp. xvi + 226. ISBN 0–691–07424–0. £19.95No Nonsense RightsThe Realm of Rights By Judith Jarvis Thomson Harvard University Press, 1990. Pp. viii + 383. ISBN 0–674–74948–0. £27.95.In Search of the Common MindThe Common Mind: An Essay on Psychology, Society and Politics By Philip Pettit Oxford University Press, 1993. Pp. xvi + 365. ISBN 0–19–507818–7. £30.In elucidation of the common mi…Read more
120Joint action and group action made preciseSynthese 105 (3). 1995.The paper argues that there are two main kinds of joint action, direct joint bringing about (or performing) something (expressed in terms of a DO-operator) and jointly seeing to it that something is the case (expressed in terms of a Stit-operator). The former kind of joint action contains conjunctive, disjunctive and sequential action and its central subkinds. While joint seeing to it that something is the case is argued to be necessarily intentional, direct joint performance can also be noninte…Read more
5Reviews (review)Theoria 51 (103): 141-155. 2004.Imagining the Possible: Radical Politics for Conservative Times Stephen Eric Bronner Stranger Shores: Essays 1986-1999 J.M. Coetzee History and Illusion in Politics Raymond Geuss Happiness: Personhood, Community, Purpose Pedro Alexis Tabensky The Philosophy of Social Practices: A Collective Acceptance View Raimo Tuomela.
Raimo Tuomela: Response to David SchweikardIn Gerhard Preyer & Georg Peter (eds.), Social Ontology and Collective Intentionality: Critical Essays on the Philosophy of Raimo Tuomela with his Responses, Springer. 2016.
Raimo Tuomela: Response to Raul Hakli and Pekka MäkeläIn Gerhard Preyer & Georg Peter (eds.), Social Ontology and Collective Intentionality: Critical Essays on the Philosophy of Raimo Tuomela with his Responses, Springer. 2016.
Raimo Tuomela: Response to Frank HindriksIn Gerhard Preyer & Georg Peter (eds.), Social Ontology and Collective Intentionality: Critical Essays on the Philosophy of Raimo Tuomela with his Responses, Springer. 2016.
Raimo Tuomela: Response to Bernhard SchmidIn Gerhard Preyer & Georg Peter (eds.), Social Ontology and Collective Intentionality: Critical Essays on the Philosophy of Raimo Tuomela with his Responses, Springer. 2016.
Raimo Tuomela: Response to Michael SchmitzIn Gerhard Preyer & Georg Peter (eds.), Social Ontology and Collective Intentionality: Critical Essays on the Philosophy of Raimo Tuomela with his Responses, Springer. 2016.
28Philosophical Foundations of the Social Sciences: Analyzing Controversies in Social ResearchPhilosophical and Phenomenological Research 59 (4): 1086-1090. 1996.
40Analogy and distanceZeitschrift Für Allgemeine Wissenschaftstheorie 11 (2): 276-291. 1980.Summary The paper presents a technical analysis of the notion of analogy by means of the notion of conceptual similarity (the inverse of distance). The main idea is to elucidate the analogy (similarity) between predicates (properties) in terms of the higher-order predicates they share or fail to share. The notions of predicate-similarity and theory-similarity (defined as the inverse of theory-distance) are then combined to give an analysis of the analogy between conceptual systems
37The philosophy of sociality: The shared point of view * by Raimo Tuomela (review)Analysis 69 (3): 587-589. 2009.This work provides a rigorous analysis of what Tuomela calls ‘the we-perspective’. Tuomela's overarching project is to argue that ‘conceptualizing social life and theorizing about it requires the use of group concepts, indeed the we-perspective and, especially, the we-mode.’ Already some of the complexities of Tuomela's approach will be evident – viz. in the distinction, implied in the above quotation and carried through systematically throughout the work, between the ‘we-perspective’ and the ‘w…Read more
Essays on Explanation and UnderstandingBritish Journal for the Philosophy of Science 29 (3): 304-310. 1978.
Raimo Tuomela
(1940 - 2020)
University of HelsinkiDepartment of Philosophy (Theoretical Philosophy, Practical Philosophy, Philosophy in Swedish)Retired faculty