7291An Introduction to Critical Thinking and Symbolic Logic Volume 1: Formal LogicOpenStax-CNX and Canvas Commons. 2017.*NEWEST VERSION OF THIS RESOURCE ONLINE @ Philosop-her dotcom This textbook has developed over the last few years of teaching introductory symbolic logic and critical thinking courses. It has been truly a pleasure to have benefited from such great students and colleagues over the years. As we have become increasingly frustrated with the costs of traditional logic textbooks (though many of them deserve high praise for their accuracy and depth), the move to open source has become more and more att…Read more
993An Introduction to Critical Thinking and Symbolic Logic Volume 2: Informal Reasoning AssignmentsOpen Educational Resource: OpenStax-CNX and Canvas Commons. 2018.This textbook is not a textbook in the traditional sense. Here, what we have attempted is compile a set of assignments and exercise that may be used in critical thinking courses. To that end, we have tried to make these assignments as diverse as possible while leaving flexibility in their application within the classroom. Of course these assignments and exercises could certainly be used in other classes as well. Our view is that critical thinking courses work best when they are presented as skil…Read more
59Symbolic LogicGig Φ Philosophy. 2022.Basic Concepts in Logic Identifying & Evaluating Arguments Valid Argument Forms Complex Arguments Propositional Logic: Symbols & Translation Truth Tables: Statements Classifying & Comparing Statements
34TruthGig Φ Philosophy. 2023.Truth: What Do We Really Know? JTB Account of Knowledge & Gettier Problem Truth & Knowledge: What is Truth? Pragmatism Coherence Correspondence Semantic Relativism Postmodernism Feminist Epistemology Why Does Truth Matter? Science, Truth, & "Post-Truth"
34Feminist Epistemology and Standpoint TheoryGig Φ Philosophy. 2024.What is it?; Conceptual Basis: Reason & Masculinity, Reason & Emotion, Myth of Dispassionate Investigation; The Feminist Response: Can Traditional Theories Be Fixed?, Feminist Epistemologies; Types of Feminist Epistemology: Feminist Empiricism, Standpoint Theory, Feminist Postmodernism; Women + Emotions + The Body; Different Perspectives: Atomistic V. Situated / Social Knowers [Epistemic Agents]; Contemporary Concepts: Epistemic - Privilege, Ignorance, Injustice, Resistance.
32Introduction to Philosophy and LogicGig Φ Philosophy. 2022.A Brief Introduction • The Basics • Connection Between Logic and Philosophy • Free Logic Textbook • Sample Questions from Major Philosophical Subdisciplines • What It Means to Be a Philosopher • Lectures
27Puzzled?! An Introduction to Philosophizing, by Richard Kenneth AtkinsTeaching Philosophy 39 (1): 79-81. 2016.
27Jennie C. Stephens. Diversifying Power: Why We Need Antiracist, Feminist Leadership On Climate and EnergyEnvironmental Ethics 44 (1): 87-89. 2022.
21Basics Concepts in LogicGig Φ Philosophy. 2022.Introduction: Logic & Arguments What is a Proposition / Statement? What is an Argument? Premises(s) & Conclusion Resources: Slides, Examples, Indicator Words, & YouTube Video Lecture
21Deductively Valid Argument FormsGig Φ Philosophy. 2022.Deductively Valid Argument Forms Modus Ponens & Tollens Disjunctive & Hypothetical Syllogisms Destructive & Constructive Dilemmas Deductively Invalid Argument Forms Denying the Antecedent (DA) & Affirming the Consequent (AC) Resources: Slides, Examples, Helpful Hints, & "at-a-glance" Handout
19Propositional LogicGig Φ Philosophy. 2022.Propositional Logic: Introduction & Symbols Logical Operators & Translation Symbols Helpful Hints Translating: Simple Statements Complex Statements Conditional Statements Conjunctive Statements Disjunctive Statements Translating with Multiple Operators Identifying the Main Operator How To Translate into Propositional Logic in 4 EASY STEPS Resources: Slides, Examples, & Helpful Hints
13Identifying and Evaluating ArgumentsGig Φ Philosophy. 2022.Identifying Arguments: Deduction & Induction Evaluating Arguments Deductive: Valid, Invalid, (Un)Sound Inductive: Strong, Weak, (Un)Cogent Inference to the Best Explanation [IBE] Identifying & Evaluating COMPLEX Arguments How to Present, Explain, and Evaluate an Argument Resources: Slides, Examples
9EthicsGig Φ Philosophy. 2022.What is it? • Normative Judgments • Normative Ethical Theories • Problems with Traditional Ethics
8Hierarchical DualismGig Φ Philosophy. 2022.What is it? • Conceptual Context • Traditional Hegemonic Associations • Feminist Associations
7Philosophy of ReligionGig Φ Philosophy. 2023.Introduction to Philosophy of Religion: What it is Philosophy of Religion & Theology Common Questions: God(s), Belief, Experience, Pluralism Types of Religious Belief Terminology: Theism, Agnosticism, Atheism, Monotheism, Polytheism, Deism, Pantheism, & Panentheism Types of Theism is Major World Religions: Hinduism, Buddhism, Confucianism, Daoism, Zoroastrianism, Abrahamic Religions, & Sikhism Arguments for God's Existence: Cosmological, Teleological, Ontological, Reformed Epistemology, Pragmat…Read more
5EpistemologyGig Φ Philosophy. 2022.What is it? • Common Questions • Basic Concepts • Knowledge as Justified True Belief • Sources of Knowledge • Challenging Knowledge
3Against Plantinga's A/C Model: Consequences of the Codependence of the De Jure and De Facto QuestionsKent State University Graduate Philosophy Journal. 2011.Alvin Plantinga's tasks include illustrating that there is no objection to the rationality of theistic belief that does not presuppose theism's falsity, and that it is epistemically possible that theistic belief have warrant in a basic way. However, given Plantinga's conclusion that the co-dependence of the de jure and de facto objections prohibits the atheologian from showing that theistic belief is irrational, Plantinga is subsequently unable to argue for even the epistemic possibility of thei…Read more
3Eastern and Western PhilosophiesGig Φ Philosophy. 2022.A Brief Introduction to Western & Eastern Philosophies Comparing & Contrasting Western & Eastern approaches to: - Philosophy - Religion - Metaphysics - Epistemology FREE Eastern Philosophy Textbooks
Rebeka Ferreira
Green River College
Green River CollegeTenured Instructor of Philosophy
Areas of Specialization
Epistemology |
Philosophy of Religion |
Feminist Philosophy |
Chinese Philosophy |
Indian Philosophy |