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    The empirical basis of color perception
    Consciousness and Cognition 11 (4): 609-629. 2002.
    Rationalizing the perceptual effects of spectral stimuli has been a major challenge in vision science for at least the last 200 years. Here we review evidence that this otherwise puzzling body of phenomenology is generated by an empirical strategy of perception in which the color an observer sees is entirely determined by the probability distribution of the possible sources of the stimulus. The rationale for this strategy in color vision, as in other visual perceptual domains, is the inherent am…Read more
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    From Wilderness to Ordinary Nature
    Environmental Ethics 37 (4): 425-443. 2015.
    The wilderness debate that has raged in American environmentalism since the 1990s has led to the valuation of less spectacular forms of nature than wilderness. This increasing interest in ordinary nature brings American environmental thought to an environmental ground more familiar to French ecologists. Although the wilderness idea that has focused on untrammeled places was difficult to integrate into the French philosophical landscape, reaching common ground could foster exchanges between Ameri…Read more
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    Since their emergence in the 1980s, environmental virtue ethics (EVEs) have aimed to provide an alternative to deontological and consequentialist approaches for guiding ecological actions in the context of the global environmental crisis. The deterioration of the ecological situation and the challenges in addressing collective action problems caused by global changes have heightened interest in these ethics. They offer a framework for meaningful individual actions independently of the commitment…Read more
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    Peuples climatiques?
    Multitudes 61 (4): 114-120. 2015.
    Cet article soutient que la critique du populisme climatique manque sa cible, car elle tend à faire de l’ignorance du peuple le responsable de l’échec de la politique climatique. Partant, il examine la façon dont l’idée d’un populisme constitutif peut s’avérer pertinente dans le cas du changement climatique.
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    Arne Næss et le pragmatisme
    Cités 99 (3): 179-185. 2024.
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    From Knowledge to Skills: Training for Transition Jobs – Interview with Alain Grandjean
    with Cécile Renouard, Elaïne Vetsel, and Alain Grandjean
    In Cécile Renouard, Frédérique Brossard Børhaug, Ronan Le Cornec, Jonathan Dawson, Alexander Federau, David Ries, Perrine Vandecastele & Nathanaël Wallenhorst (eds.), Pedagogy of the Anthropocene Epoch for a Great Transition: A Novel Approach of Higher Education, Springer Verlag. pp. 91-96. 2023.
    Alain Grandjean is an economist and author specializing on green finance. He is also co-founder and partner of Carbone 4, a consultancy firm focusing on energy transition and adaptation to climate change. The interview first revolves around the academic content Alain Grandjean considers as the bare necessities to be taught in higher education, no matter the curriculum. This should take the form of a basic synthetic training which takes into account the major environmental issues without too much…Read more
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    What Transition to Teach? Interview with Dominique Bourg
    with Cécile Renouard and Dominique Bourg
    In Cécile Renouard, Frédérique Brossard Børhaug, Ronan Le Cornec, Jonathan Dawson, Alexander Federau, David Ries, Perrine Vandecastele & Nathanaël Wallenhorst (eds.), Pedagogy of the Anthropocene Epoch for a Great Transition: A Novel Approach of Higher Education, Springer Verlag. pp. 107-111. 2023.
    Dominique Bourg is a philosopher and honorary professor at the University of Lausanne (UNIL). He is the editor of the online journal lapenséeécologique.com and the author of several books about ecology, democracy and the impact of the market. In this interview he first talks about the initiatives, in teaching but also in university management, he is involved in, mainly in Lausanne. With regards to teaching, he shares his thoughts on how to introduce courses and he argues for a multidisciplinary …Read more