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    Preface, philosophy
    Niti Aayog Govt India 2019. 2019.
    Philosophy Quest is based upon introspection, reflection, research and relevant Tradition. No one Text or Group has had all Vital truths elaborated Directly or referred in it . Some Truths were orally shared, and some not preserved. Monopoly or self-exaltation is never applied to Truths -it is not in its intrinsicality. ...................... ............ .... Hindu Science referred the Spirit Soul / Antaraatmaa Aatmaa as Eternal / Amar. The Bible, thereafter also referred this. Science has evi…Read more
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    It's "inner Compatibility" of Spirit ( conscience) Soul ( thoughts, emotions) that allows for Companionship, Unity and Similar destination; some Dogs, Hens and Humans have been evidenced as being very Compatible due to Common Inner Qualities of Faithfulness loyalty, life long Friendship, Mutual Concern and Empathy: Heaven as Common Destination is Equally for them; Inner Bondings ( that Affect electromagnetic, biochem and physicality) are of Similar essence in such and are Eternal ( spirit soul …Read more
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    Philosophy and Intangible energy
    Blog, Http://Solvingshonest4Us.Blogspot.Com. 2022.
    Intellectual Honesty guides towards some Sense-making and Solutions-engineering : these are Essentials; And this is Scope of Philosophy. ............ Not all need to have external communication wrt Philosophy nor be told all of the Philosophy- some of it is Inherent with them, & some gets revealed to them. .......... Bondings, chemical and electromagnetic , towards Harmonious intent, is through the Intangible Energy that comes from Philosophy. Scientist, Albert Einstein had stated that Philosoph…Read more
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    Eternity, and not Emptiness
    Influence of Truth. 2023.
    'Eternity' exists , since it is evidenced that: Pneuma breath spirit of a being is what Animates the Sentient being until end, and upon departing, it has to be Somewhere in Universe ; There are Manifestations of Indestructible ( Energy cannot be Destroyed) Spirit Pneuma breath Energy ( in Electromagnetism, biochem, electrons protons neutrons ions nucleus Molecular activity) in Natural, and it is Innate nature of it to Manifest (& it is Indestructible by nature) throughout Eternity. Thus what is …Read more
  • Varied levels of Spirituality
    Https://Theprimaryintent.Blogspot.Com. 2023.
    Spiritual Levels ( based upon Choice) vary from being to being , and so do their Manifestations . Passing away or Demise from Earth does not Indicate Eternal death; Death is of the Physicality ( where Physicality has not been Spirited also). Spiritual feeling / Sentiment of 'Love ( God, a Righteous Immortal spirit Energy is Love) ' is a Spirit essence and Fulfillment ( Attitude , Interactional and Practical deeds of loving kindness); 'it's ( spirit essence is Imperishable)' Manifestations conti…Read more
  • Intents, Thoughts, Words, Images and Deeds have effects upon self, others, environs, futures and work. Not all Situations require Words and Deeds towards influencing Change, Effect and/or Results; those with High energy Consciousness are able to influence with Thoughts /Intents. Intents can cause Effects in Energy fields without use of Words and Actions [example :a Negative thoughts can cause distress{physiological and emotional} to self when thought upon, and change of Intents and resultant Th…Read more
  • Blog article that Considers reasons towards God (pure spirit energy) ,Heaven, Immortality and Spiritual scientific Research
  • " Meet in the Soul, They meet in the soul.. Where poems, hues, friendships is……, and grief that devastates is not; It could not talk…so it drew, That could not draw…..it asked another to. 'Wind, blows Water, flows Grass, grows Love, blooms.. None of these lives when held in fists They meet in the soul Where Free is!' 'When the soul is drawn Close to Quiet’s Beauty Can hear the wind, blow,.. water, flow,.. grass, grow and love, bloom..... Lives, the soul And flies to the coming away from grief’s …Read more
  • The 'Pneuma Knowledge'
    A Government Site. forthcoming.
    Author: Reshma Arora;..... "Pneuma" or 'breath that is conscience-laden' is the component that imparts sense of right-wrong, renders direction, provides scope for improvement and is the "knowing" above tacit and explicit knowledge. Those who are more evolved in Consciousness require lesser external motivation and tangible guidance- they "internally sense Knowledge." Further data can be referred in Bible.
  • Caring as Equals
    NITI AAYOG, Government India Online. 2021.
    While there are references , religious [the ref. of species as birds, ass etc. also having Breath of life [as Humans- ref. wrt Noah's Ark}, and oft, knowing Morals , better, is cited in same theology, Bible , NIV] , of Humans being able to reason and having capability to take due care of environ., the truth of species other than them, being competent and caring [knowing Laws, instinctively], is observed, proven and real; a Dog [Some, in specific, are more Matured] is caring, intelligent, communi…Read more
  • Possibilities of Divine [righteous, unaffected by any cause and effect] existence: fixed laws that are predetermined and righteous [sowing-reaping/cause effect processes and results]. There were many types of manifestations of Divine existence referred in Bible NT NIV, KJV, Amplified [Jesus could tranfigure, disappear, move through opaque restrictions, go beyond time-space limitations into past-future while being in present, know truths as whole and specific relevance, transform situations an…Read more
  • Equilibrium
    National Institute of Transforming India, NIT AAYOG. 2021.
    Shared on Govt. India site Innovations : In process and results of electrical [positive and negative charges] and chemical Bonding towards state of Equilibrium, the Desired end is Harmony/Peace; there is a Permanent {Unchangeable principles as 'what is sown is what is reaped/seed yields akin Fruit' etc. prove that there is a Fixed Law that governs principles called as 'God'} /Eternal Sustaining-Energy [called as God/ Life giver, Breath originator, Creator, Righteous Principle etc.] and Interac…Read more