24The nonhuman turn (edited book)University of Minnesota Press. 2015.Edited by Richard Grusin of the Center for 21st Century Studies, this is the first book to name and characterize—and therefore consolidate—a wide array of current critical, theoretical, and philosophical approaches to the humanities and social sciences under the concept of the nonhuman turn. Each of these approaches is engaged in decentering the human in favor of a concern for the nonhuman, understood by contributors in a variety of ways—in terms of animals, affectivity, bodies, materiality, tec…Read more
9Transcendentalist hermeneutics: institutional authority and the higher criticism of the BibleDuke University Press. 1991.American literary historians have viewed Ralph Waldo Emerson’s resignation from the Unitarian ministry in 1832 in favor of a literary career as emblematic of a main current in American literature. That current is directed toward the possession of a self that is independent and fundamentally opposed to the “accoutrements of society and civilization” and expresses a Transcendentalist antipathy toward all institutionalized forms of religious observance. In the ongoing revision of American literary …Read more
7Ends of cinema (edited book)University of Minnesota Press. 2020.Leading film and media scholars discuss multiple "ends" in the history of cinema.
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