50Human Nature and Animal Nature: The Horak Debate and Its Philosophical SignificanceInternational Philosophical Quarterly 55 (4): 437-456. 2015.Philosophical investigation of human nature has a long, distinguished, and multifaceted history. In the East some of the most heated philosophical disputes pertaining to issues concerning moral self-cultivation centered on disagreements about human nature. Within the Neo-Confucian tradition that developed out of Korea, issues concerning human nature took center stage in a dispute now known as the “Horak Debate” that began in the eighteenth century. In this paper I seek to introduce the Horak Deb…Read more
68Early Confucianism and Contemporary Moral PsychologyPhilosophy Compass 11 (9): 473-485. 2016.The aim of this essay is to introduce scholars to recent discussions of early Confucian ethics that intersect with contemporary moral psychology. Given the early Confucian tradition's intense focus on the cultivation of virtue, there are a number of ways in which early Confucian thinkers – as represented in the texts of the Analects, the Mencius, and the Xunzi – fruitfully engaged in a range of topics that are closely connected to live issues in moral psychology. Not only did they anticipate som…Read more
103Human Nature and Moral Sprouts: Mencius on the Pollyanna ProblemPacific Philosophical Quarterly 99 (1): 140-162. 2016.This article responds to a common criticism of Aristotelian naturalism known as the Pollyanna Problem, the objection that Aristotelian naturalism, when combined with recent empirical research, generates morally unacceptable conclusions. In developing a reply to this objection, I draw upon the conception of human nature developed by the ancient Chinese philosopher Mencius, and build up an account of ethical naturalism that provides a satisfying response to the Pollyanna Problem while also preserv…Read more
20Confucianism and Non-human Animal SacrificeEuropean Journal for Philosophy of Religion 8 (1): 27--49. 2016.In this paper, I argue that the use of non-human animals in ritual sacrifices is not necessary for the Confucian tradition. I draw upon resources found within other religious traditions as well as Confucianism concerning carrying out even the most mundane, ordinary actions as expressions of reverence. I argue that this practice of manifesting deep reverence toward God through simple actions, which I call everyday reverence, reveals a way for Confucians to maintain the deep reverence that is esse…Read more
Loyola University, ChicagoAssistant Professor
Areas of Interest
Philosophy of Religion |
Ancient Greek and Roman Philosophy |