•  132
    Bagrationovsk 2015 Russia Anthropological Reconnaissance Proposal for a Field Work_
    Tomsk Journal of Linguistics and Anthropology 1 (1): 92-99. 2017.
  •  338
    Military Anthropology - Specialisation Frame
    Wiedza Obronna 1 (271): 63-73. 2021.
  •  647
    In the paper, I present a bibliometric analysis of the articles published in “Teksty z Ulicy” between 2005–2008. Examination of the core of specialist terms builds on the base of “meme” item. Thus, a central hypothesis referring to the stability, relative stability and unitability of the core terminology allows formulating the conclusion towards a foundation of the level development of the particular division of humanities. The case study in the article is memetics.
  •  16
    Name der Zeitschrift: Semiotica Jahrgang: 2018 Heft: 224 Seiten: 211-222.
  •  538
    Wywiad antropologiczny – przyczynek do antropologii stosowanej
    Bezpieczeństwo. Obronność. Socjologia 1 (5): 5-18. 2016.
  • Postać w dramacie
    Świat Tekstów. Rocznik Słupski 9 215-250. 2011.
  •  6061
    The objective of this article is to analyse definitions of culture gathered by Alfred L. Kroeber and Clyde Kluckhohn and published in Culture. A Critical Review of Concepts and Definitions in 1952. This article emphasizes a possibility of re-analysing the material collected by these researchers (Kroeber–Kluckhohn Culture Classification, hereinafter referred to as KKCC). The article shows that the KKCC material constitutes a coherent conceptual and theoretical paradigm. This paradigm was subject …Read more
  •  1
    Formalna Analiza Konceptualna – Reprezentacja Wiedzy – Przekład.
    Roczniki Humanistyczne. Studia Translatoryczne (6): 121-154. 2013.
  • Siedem bram memetyki (SBM2)
    Bel Studio. 2016.
  •  880
    Przeciw memetyce
    Hybris. Internetowy Magazyn Filozoficzny 15 (15): 69-99. 2011.
    Against Memetics Przeciw Memetyce (Against Memetics) Article is a critical analysis of theoretical foundations of memetics from the perspective of 2010. In my study, I mainly discuss assumptions adopted by Polish memeticians (papers published mostly in the magazine „Teksty z Ulicy. Zeszyty memetyczne”). The article concerns “biological foundations” of memetics adopted by the researchers, which causes a transfer of the biology’s conceptual paradigm exactly to the field of memetics, since a) the r…Read more
  •  359
    The main purpose of this paper is not to create another detailed lexical definition of light in accordance to the principles of theory, but rather to examine the methodology as well as the way of defining the light as a lexical unit by scholars (Dobaczewski 1999a, 1999b, 2001a, 2001b; Dyszak 1999a, 1999b). I argue that a semantic deposit (SD) domain of lexical unit light could be understood only if supplemented with semantic units that possess a high-abstractive meaning value organized in Semant…Read more