Robert Janusz

Vatican Observatory
  •  41
    Nauka i teologia nad jeziorem Albano [recenzja]
    Zagadnienia Filozoficzne W Nauce 35. 2004.
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    Warsztaty na Gregorianie [konferencje i sympozja]
    Zagadnienia Filozoficzne W Nauce 37. 2005.
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    Konferencja w Wilnie [konferencje i sympozja]
    Zagadnienia Filozoficzne W Nauce 34. 2004.
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    Czy siła grawitacji działa na odległość?
    Zagadnienia Filozoficzne W Nauce 37. 2005.
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    The Center for Interdisciplinary Studies in Cracow
    Forum Philosophicum: International Journal for Philosophy 11 (1): 269-274. 2006.
    This text offers the report on the activities of The Centre for Interdisciplinary Studies in Cracow—a research and educational institution at the Department of Philosophy of the Pontifical Academy of Philosophy in the Cracow. The main areas of its research are the philosophy of science, the history of science, and problems connected with the interrelations between philosophy, theology and the sciences.
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    Ontology in Astronomy
    Forum Philosophicum: International Journal for Philosophy 12 (2): 267-276. 2007.
    In the domain of astronomy the object oriented paradigm of informatics needs to construct an ontology to be able to reason about concepts and to construct queries in a computerized knowledge system. The article presents approaches to ontology in philosophy, the natural sciences and informatics and shows their limits and reciprocity.
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    Jak to jest być świadomym? Analityczne teorie umyshi a problem świadomości
    Forum Philosophicum: International Journal for Philosophy 11 (1): 288-289. 2006.
    The article reviews the book Jak to jest być świadomym? Analityczne teorie umysłu a problem świadomości [What Is It Like to be Conscious? Analytical Theories of Mind and the Problem of Consciousness], by Józef Bremer.
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    Church's Thesis After 70 Years (edited book)
    Ontos Verlag. 2006.
    Church's Thesis (CT) was first published by Alonzo Church in 1935. CT is a proposition that identifies two notions: an intuitive notion of an effectively computable function defined in natural numbers with the notion of a recursive function. Despite the many efforts of prominent scientists, Church's Thesis has never been disproven. There exists a vast literature concerning the thesis. The aim of this book is to provide a one volume summary of the state of research on Church's Thesis. These inclu…Read more
  •  14
    The centenary of Einstein's and de Sitter's cosmological works
    Philosophical Problems in Science 63 167-181. 2017.
    In the article some philosophical issues regarding the emergence of the modern cosmology are discussed. The mathematical field equations enabled for the first time in the history to set a cosmological problem as a physical one. The “power” of mathematics was not easy to be read by the pioneers of cosmology. Also the philosophical perspective on the Universe changed in front of this “power” expressed by Einstein and de Sitter in their models. In the paper we propose also some new ideas related to…Read more
  •  13
    The Center of Interdisciplinary Studies in Cracow has a very rich tradition that has been studied by many and recently by Kamil Trombik. The very difficult period for the Church and for philosophy during the materialistic Marxist ideology was an opportunity for card. K. Wojtyła to outline a new mode of dialog between science and religion. The future Center, organized by Michał Heller and Józef Życiński not only captured this idea but transformed it into an academic institution centered on the id…Read more
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    Abstrakcja, obiekty i cywilizacja globalna
    Forum Philosophicum: International Journal for Philosophy 9 (1): 203-216. 1970.
    The article is about an interaction between philosophy and informatics. The discussion is based on a complex example - a country, which has an evolving domain. In contemporary computer science very complex systems are modeled. However it would be impossible to model such systems with every detail, because it would be too difficult, it would be as complex as the reality itself. Frequently complex domains don't have an exact description of their behavior: some have an inadequate description, some …Read more
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    Pierwsze próby wyjaśnienia zjawisk elektrycznych i magnetycznych
    Rocznik Filozoficzny Ignatianum 24 (2): 7-39. 2018.
    Filozofię można nazwać „matką” naukowych teorii: czysto empirycznych i czysto matematycznych. Historia elektryczności i magnetyzmu ukazuje ważne jednoczenie się obu podejść. Unifikacja dokonująca się w nauce pozwala oczyszczać filozofię z mitycznych naleciałości, zaś nauce daje realistyczne odniesienie do świata, bez którego groziłby jej pusty formalizm. Omawiane tu problemy ukazują, że formy matematyczne są właściwą bazą dla nauki i przez to wskazują na filozoficzną, racjonalnie precyzyjną pods…Read more
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    The Center of Interdisciplinary Studies in Cracow has a very rich tradition that has been studied by many and recently by Kamil Trombik. The very difficult period for the Church and for philosophy during the materialistic Marxist ideology was an opportunity for card. K. Wojtyła to outline a new mode of dialog between science and religion. The future Center, organized by Michał Heller and Józef Życiński not only captured this idea but transformed it into an academic institution centered on the id…Read more
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    Początki filozofii elektryczności i magnetyzmu w starożytnym stylu
    Rocznik Filozoficzny Ignatianum 24 (1): 7-23. 2018.
    Filozofia elektryczności i magnetyzmu ma bardzo bogatą historię. Trudne do wytłumaczenia zjawiska elektryczne i magnetyczne nie poddawały się łatwo ujęciom racjonalny, tym naiwniej mówiono o nich na sposób fantastyczny, mityczny. W artykule omawiana jest pobieżnie historia opisu tych zjawisk, która doprowadziła do sformułowania pierwszych problemów filozoficznych. Dzisiejsza fizyka matematyczna dokonała unifikacji tych oddziaływań nie na podstawie zmysłowych intuicji „pierwotnych”, ale na podsta…Read more
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    Wprowadzenie do logiki
    Forum Philosophicum: International Journal for Philosophy 10 (1): 289-290. 1970.
    Co łączy Arystotelesa z logicznymi bramkami współczesnych komputerów? Tego można się dowiedzieć z podręcznika Bremera - obszernego i filozoficznie ugruntowanego wprowadzenia do logiki. Dzisiaj, po wielu sukcesach wyemancypowanej z filozofii logiki formalnej, jeszcze tylko nieliczni nie uważają jej za dyscypliny naukową. Wielu jednak szuka na różne sposoby filozoficznych interpretacji tej ścisłej dziedziny wiedzy. Dlatego logikę można uprawiać albo banalnie, albo z filozoficzną zadumą, np. na tle…Read more
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    Paradygmat obiektowy w oprogramowaniu astronomicznym
    Semina Scientiarum 17 84-106. 2019.
    To create an astronomical software, one should use the most effective method to produce the quickest hardware calculation. However, the not so effective object oriented paradigm seems to have bigger influence on the astronomical domain. We discuss the status quo of its methodology. The traditional, Turing computation model does not have so distinct influence on knowledge creation because it is hardware-oriented. An object oriented programming language is more influential on discovery, because it…Read more
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    Stulecie kosmologicznych prac Einsteina i de Sittera
    Philosophical Problems in Science 63 167-181. 2017.
    In the article some philosophical issues regarding the emergence of the modern cosmology are discussed. The mathematical field equations enabled for the first time in the history to set a cosmological problem as a physical one. The “power” of mathematics was not easy to be read by the pioneers of cosmology. Also the philosophical perspective on the Universe changed in front of this “power” expressed by Einstein and de Sitter in their models. In the paper we propose also some new ideas related to…Read more
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    Moc sterowania matematycznego
    Semina Scientiarum 10 21-30. 2011.
    One can speak about mathematics too simplistically. On the one hand, school programs are such examples. On the other hand, the function of mathematics in elementary physics very much indicates the profound philosophical significance of mathematics: the author claims that mathematical language is a kind of command language, i.e. it is not just a description, but a control which has a specific power to manage the reality. This language has its proper hierarchy and structures which humans only are …Read more
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    Józef Bremer S.J.: Jak to jest być świadomym? Analityczne teorie umysłu a problem świadomości
    Forum Philosophicum: International Journal for Philosophy 11 (1): 288-289. 2006.
    The article reviews the book Jak to jest być świadomym? Analityczne teorie umysłu a problem świadomości [What Is It Like to be Conscious? Analytical Theories of Mind and the Problem of Consciousness], by Józef Bremer.
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    The Center for Interdisciplinary Studies in Cracow
    Forum Philosophicum: International Journal for Philosophy 11 (1): 269-274. 2006.
    This text offers the report on the activities of The Centre for Interdisciplinary Studies in Cracow—a research and educational institution at the Department of Philosophy of the Pontifical Academy of Philosophy in the Cracow. The main areas of its research are the philosophy of science, the history of science, and problems connected with the interrelations between philosophy, theology and the sciences.
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    Abstraction, objects and global civilization
    Forum Philosophicum: International Journal for Philosophy 9 215-216. 2004.
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    We introduce stellar photometry, its purpose and relationship to other astronomical quantities, presenting it within the context of astronomical research at the Vatican Observatory. We demonstrate the usefulness of the Vilnius Photometric System previously shown at Vilnius Astronomical Obs., Edinburgh Royal Obs., and Università di Roma “La Sapienza”, and then adopted by the Vatican Observatory for use with its Vatican Advanced Technology Telescope on Mount Graham, AZ, USA. The development of ast…Read more
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    Stanislav Vydra . Zwischen Elementarmathematik und nationaler Wiedergeburt
    Forum Philosophicum: International Journal for Philosophy 10 (1): 290-291. 1970.
    Książka ta jest obszerną pracą o ścisłe historyczno-naukowym charakterze, przedstawiającą życie Stanisława Wydry, jezuity, profesora matematyki na Uniwersytecie w Pradze. Składa się ona z Wprowadzenia i rozdziałów poświęconych: oświeceniu i odrodzeniu narodowemu w Czechach; sytuacji uniwersytetu w Pradze, a w szczególności - Wydziału Filozoficznego; następnie – podręcznikom do matematyki na osiemnastowiecznym uniwersytecie w Pradze; życiu Stanisława Wydry oraz jego pracom naukowym - w tym kilku …Read more
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    Józef Bremer S.J.: Jak to jest być świadomym? Analityczne teorie umysłu a problem świadomości
    Forum Philosophicum: International Journal for Philosophy 11 (1): 288-289. 2006.
    The article reviews the book Jak to jest być świadomym? Analityczne teorie umysłu a problem świadomości [What Is It Like to be Conscious? Analytical Theories of Mind and the Problem of Consciousness], by Józef Bremer.
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    Ontology in Astronomy
    Forum Philosophicum: International Journal for Philosophy 12 (2): 267-276. 2007.
    In the domain of astronomy the object oriented paradigm of informatics needs to construct an ontology to be able to reason about concepts and to construct queries in a computerized knowledge system. The article presents approaches to ontology in philosophy, the natural sciences and informatics and shows their limits and reciprocity.
  •  1
    Church's Thesis After Seventy Years (edited book)
    with A. Olszewski and J. Wole'nski
    Ontos Verlag. 2006.
  • Church's Thesis after 70 Years
    with Adam Olszewski and Jan Wolenski
    Erkenntnis 69 (3): 421-425. 2008.
  • Roberto Busa i humanistyczna informatyka
    Rocznik Filozoficzny Ignatianum 91-106. 2012.
    Fr. Roberto Busa was an Italian Jesuit. In this article his biography will briefly be presented, and some issues raised by his philosophy analyzed. Busa was known as a pioneer of computerized research in the humanities. With the support of IBM he constructed the Index Thomisticus, containing all the works of St. Thomas Aquinas. He believed that expressions of the human can be mathematically modeled. He was the originator of a specific conception of hypertext, in which logically structured progra…Read more