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44Some new results on decidability for elementary algebra and geometryAnnals of Pure and Applied Logic 163 (12): 1765-1802. 2012.We carry out a systematic study of decidability for theories of real vector spaces, inner product spaces, and Hilbert spaces and of normed spaces, Banach spaces and metric spaces, all formalized using a 2-sorted first-order language. The theories for list turn out to be decidable while the theories for list are not even arithmetical: the theory of 2-dimensional Banach spaces, for example, has the same many-one degree as the set of truths of second-order arithmetic.We find that the purely univers…Read more
38Explicit Henkin sentencesJournal of Symbolic Logic 50 (1): 91-93. 1985.Hofstadter has introduced the notion of an explicit Henkin sentence. Roughly speaking, an explicit Henkin sentence not only asserts its own provability, as ordinary Henkin sentences do, but explicitly provides a detailed description of a proof. We provide, in this paper, a precise formalization of Hofstadter's notion and then show that true explicit Henkin sentences exist
76Gödel turned out to be an unadulterated Platonist, and apparently believed that an eternal “not” was laid up in heaven, where virtuous logicians might hope to meet it hereafter. On this Gödel commented: Concerning my “unadulterated” Platonism, it is no more unadulterBulletin of Symbolic Logic 1 (1). 1995.
43Extremes in the degrees of inferabilityAnnals of Pure and Applied Logic 66 (3): 231-276. 1994.Most theories of learning consider inferring a function f from either observations about f or, questions about f. We consider a scenario whereby the learner observes f and asks queries to some set A. If I is a notion of learning then I[A] is the set of concept classes I-learnable by an inductive inference machine with oracle A. A and B are I-equivalent if I[A] = I[B]. The equivalence classes induced are the degrees of inferability. We prove several results about when these degrees are trivial, a…Read more
325Learning via queries in $\lbrack +,Journal of Symbolic Logic 57 (1): 53-81. 1992.We prove that the set of all recursive functions cannot be inferred using first-order queries in the query language containing extra symbols $\lbrack +, . The proof of this theorem involves a new decidability result about Presburger arithmetic which is of independent interest. Using our machinery, we show that the set of all primitive recursive functions cannot be inferred with a bounded number of mind changes, again using queries in $\lbrack +, . Additionally, we resolve an open question in [7]…Read more
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