•  5
    The cognitive representation of persons and events
    with Donal E. Carlston
    In Robert S. Wyer & Thomas K. Srull (eds.), Handbook of Social Cognition: Applications, Lawrence Erlbaum. pp. 1--41. 1994.
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    If there is one topic on which we all are experts, it is ourselves. Psychologists depend upon this expertise, as asking people questions about themselves is an important means by which they gather the data that provide much of the evidence for psychological theory. Personal recollections play an important role in clinical theorizing; people's thoughts, feelings, and beliefs provide the principal data for attitudinal research; and judgments of one's traits and descriptions of one's goals and moti…Read more
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    The comprehension and validation of social information
    with Gabriel A. Radvansky
    Psychological Review 106 (1): 89-118. 1999.
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    A theory of humor elicitation
    with James E. Collins
    Psychological Review 99 (4): 663-688. 1992.
  •  23
    Human cognition in its social context
    with Thomas K. Srull
    Psychological Review 93 (3): 322-359. 1986.
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    A probabilistic analysis of the relationships among belief and attitudes
    with Lee Goldberg
    Psychological Review 77 (2): 100-120. 1970.
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    Person memory and judgment
    with Thomas K. Srull
    Psychological Review 96 (1): 58-83. 1989.
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    This commentary provides an interpretation of the effects of grounded procedures in terms of the goal-generalization processes involved in coping with negative feelings and identifies some implications that might not yet have been considered.
  •  4
    Knowledge and Memory: The Real Story
    Psychology Press. 1995.
    Narrative forms of mental representation and their influence on comprehension, communication and judgment, have rapidly become one of the main foci of research and theory in not only psychology but also other disciplines, including linguistics, sociology, and anthropology. No one has been more responsible for the awakening of interest in this area than Roger Schank and Bob Abelson. In their target article, they argue that narrative forms of mental representation, or "stories," are the basic ingr…Read more
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    Handbook of Social Cognition: Applications (edited book)
    with Thomas K. Srull
    Lawrence Erlbaum. 1994.
    This edition of the Handbookfollows the first edition by 10 years.
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    The Content, Structure, and Operation of Thought Systems (edited book)
    with Thomas K. Srull
    Lawrence Erlbaum. 1991.
    If anyone deserves the title "father of social cognition," it is William J. McGuire who, along with his wife and colleague Claire V. McGuire, has written the ...
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    The Automaticity of Everyday Life (edited book)
    Lawrence Erlbaum. 1988.
    This 10th book in the series addresses automaticity and how it relates to social behavior.