104H. J. R. Murray: A History of Board-Games other than Chess. Pp. xiv+267; 86 figs. London: Oxford University Press, 1952. Cloth, 42s. net (review)The Classical Review 4 (02): 180-181. 1954.
99Attic Black-Figure - J. D. Beazley: Attic Black-figure Vase-painters. Pp. xvi+851. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1956. Cloth, £6. 6 s. net (review)The Classical Review 7 (01): 49-50. 1957.
92Arne Furumark: Mycenaean Pottery: i, Analysis and Classification; ii, Chronology. (Skrifter Utgivna av Svenska Institutet i Athen, 4°, xx. 1 and 2.) Pp. xix + 690, 156; 75 ill., 4 figs. Stockholm: Svenska Institutet i Athen, 1972. Stiff paper, kr. 250, 75 (review)The Classical Review 24 (02): 308-309. 1974.
88M. R. Popham and L. H. Sackett: Excavations at Lefkandi, Euboea: 1964–66. Pp. 35; 82 figs. London:Thames and Hudson, 1968. Paper, 12 s. 6 d. net (review)The Classical Review 19 (2): 246-246. 1969.
86The Archaic Greeks - A. R. Burn: The Lyric Age of Greece. Pp. xvi+422; 6 sketch-maps. London: Arnold, 1960. Cloth, 42 s. netThe Classical Review 11 (03): 259-. 1961.
81Isabelle K. Raubitschek: The Hearst Hillsborough Vases. Pp. 97; 109 figs. Mainz: von Zabern, 1969. Cloth, DM. 56The Classical Review 22 (1): 140-140. 1972.
80Hellenistic Sculpture - Margarete Bieber: The Sculpture of the Hellenistic Age. Pp. xi+232; 712 figs. New York: Columbia University Press (London: Oxford University Press), 1955. Cloth, 140 s. net (review)The Classical Review 6 (3-4): 275-277. 1956.
80Sp. Marinatos: Life and Art in Prehistoric Thera. Pp. 21; 8 plates. London: Oxford University Press, 1972. Stiff paper, 50p (review)The Classical Review 24 (2): 308-308. 1974.
79G. Roger Edwards: Corinth VII.3: Corinthian Hellenistic Pottery. Pp. xviii + 254; 86 plates. Princeton, N.J.: American School of Classical Studies, 1975. Cloth, $35 (review)The Classical Review 27 (2): 306-306. 1977.
77Études d'Archéologie Classique, I. (Annales de l'Est, publ. par la Fac. des Lettres de l'Univ. de Nancy, Mémoire no. 19.) Pp. 166; 29 plates. Paris: de Boccard, 1958. Paper (review)The Classical Review 9 (03): 302-. 1959.
77Carpenter's Rule - Rhys Carpenter: Greek Sculpture. Pp. xiv+276; 47 plates, 3 figs. Chicago: University of Chicago Press (London: Cambridge University Press), 1960. Cloth, 56 s. net (review)The Classical Review 12 (03): 287-290. 1962.
74Greek Art in New York - Gisela M. A. Richter: Catalogue of Greek Sculptures in the Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York. Pp. xviii+123; 164 plates. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1954. Cloth, £7. 7 s. net. - Metropolitan Museum of Art: Handbook of the Greek Collection. Pp. ix+322 (including 130 plates, 36 line illustrations). Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press (London: Oxford University Press), 1953. Cloth, £5 net (review)The Classical Review 5 (3-4): 309-310. 1955.
73Blanche R. Browne: Anticlassicism in Greek Sculpture of the Fourth Century B.C. Pp. xv+104; 103 figs. New York: New York University Press, 1973. Cloth, $15 (review)The Classical Review 25 (2): 328-328. 1975.
71W. Llewellyn Brown: The Etruscan Lion. (Oxford Monographs on Classical Archaeology.) Pp. xxvi+209; 64 plates, 1 map. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1960. Cloth, 84 s. net (review)The Classical Review 12 (01): 101-102. 1962.
71Fritz Eichler: Corpus Vasorum Antiquorum, Wien, Kunsthistorisches Museum, Band 3. Pp. 48; 50 plates. Wien: Verlag der österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, 1974. Board folder, DM. 75 (review)The Classical Review 27 (1): 140-140. 1977.
69Gisela M. A. Righter: The Portraits of the Greeks: Supplement. Pp. 16; 7 plates. London: Phaidon, 1972. Stiff paper, £1·25 (review)The Classical Review 23 (2): 290-290. 1973.
68Ann Harnwell Ashmead and Kyle Meredith Phillips: Corpus Vasorum Antiquorum: the Ella Riegel Memorial Museum, Bryn Mawr College, fasc. I. Pp. xiv+64; 42 plates. Princeton, N.J.: University Press (London: Oxford University Press), 1971. Portfolio, £8 (review)The Classical Review 23 (2): 289-289. 1973.
67J. D. Beazley: Paralipomena: Additions to ‘Attic Black-figure Vase-painters’ and ‘Attic Red-figure Vase-painters’ . Pp. xix+679. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1971. Cloth, £9 (review)The Classical Review 23 (2): 289-289. 1973.
66Troy, the Terracotta Figurines of the Hellenistic Period (review)The Classical Review 15 (1): 131-132. 1965.
65Vassos Karageorghis: Excavations in the Necropolis of Salamis, i. (Salamis, vol. 3.) Pp. xxiii+190; 151 plates: 45 plans bound separately. Nicosia: Department of Antiquities, 1967. Cloth, £8. 8s. net (review)The Classical Review 19 (3): 389-389. 1969.
65Klaus P. Stähler: Grab und Psyche des Patroklos. Pp. 76; 4 plates, 13 figs. Munster, 1967 . Stiff paper, DM.9The Classical Review 18 (3): 357-357. 1968.
64Opuscula Atheniensia, ix. (Skr. utg. av Svenska Institutet i Athen, 4°, xv.) Pp. 159; 163 figs. Lund: Gleerup, 1969. Paper, Kr.85The Classical Review 21 (3): 464-464. 1971.