5351What good are our intuitions: Philosophical analysis and social kindsAristotelian Society Supplementary Volume 80 (1): 89-118. 2006.Across the humanities and social sciences it has become commonplace for scholars to argue that categories once assumed to be “natural” are in fact “social” or, in the familiar lingo, “socially constructed”. Two common examples of such categories are race and gender, but there many others. One interpretation of this claim is that although it is typically thought that what unifies the instances of such categories is some set of natural or physical properties, instead their unity rests on social fe…Read more
3742What are we talking about? The semantics and politics of social kindsHypatia 20 (4): 10-26. 2005.Theorists analyzing the concepts of race and gender disagree over whether the terms refer to natural kinds, social kinds, or nothing at all. The question arises: what do we mean by the terms? It is usually assumed that ordinary intuitions of native speakers are definitive. However, I argue that contemporary semantic externalism can usefully combine with insights from Foucauldian genealogy to challenge mainstream methods of analysis and lend credibility to social constructionist projects.
3488Gender and race: (What) are they? (What) do we want them to be?Noûs 34 (1). 2000.It is always awkward when someone asks me informally what I’m working on and I answer that I’m trying to figure out what gender is. For outside a rather narrow segment of the academic world, the term ‘gender’ has come to function as the polite way to talk about the sexes. And one thing people feel pretty confident about is their knowledge of the difference between males and females. Males are those human beings with a range of familiar primary and secondary sex characteristics, most important be…Read more
2005Persistence through timeIn Michael J. Loux & Dean W. Zimmerman (eds.), The Oxford handbook of metaphysics, Oxford University Press. pp. 315--354. 2003.
1899What knowledge is and what it ought to be: Feminist values and normative epistemologyPhilosophical Perspectives 13 459-480. 1999.
1885Feminism in metaphysics: Negotiating the naturalIn Miranda Fricker & Jennifer Hornsby (eds.), The Cambridge Companion to Feminism in Philosophy, Cambridge University Press. pp. 107--126. 2000.
1081Humean supervenience and enduring thingsAustralasian Journal of Philosophy 72 (3). 1994.This Article does not have an abstract
1046What is a (social) structural explanation?Philosophical Studies 173 (1): 113-130. 2016.A philosophically useful account of social structure must accommodate the fact that social structures play an important role in structural explanation. But what is a structural explanation? How do structural explanations function in the social sciences? This paper offers a way of thinking about structural explanation and sketches an account of social structure that connects social structures with structural explanation
930Changing the Ideology and Culture of Philosophy: Not by Reason (Alone)Hypatia 23 (2): 210-223. 2008.
810Resisting Reality: Social Construction and Social CritiqueOxford University Press. 2012.In this collection of previously published essays, Sally Haslanger draws on insights from feminist and critical race theory and on the resources of contemporary analytic philosophy to develop the idea that gender and race are positions ...
773Racism, Ideology, and Social MovementsRes Philosophica 94 (1). 2017.Racism, sexism, and other forms of injustice are more than just bad attitudes; after all, such injustice involves unfair distributions of goods and resources. But attitudes play a role. How central is that role? Tommie Shelby, among others, argues that racism is an ideology and takes a cognitivist approach suggesting that ideologies consist in false beliefs that arise out of and serve pernicious social conditions. In this paper I argue that racism is better understood as a set of practices, atti…Read more
733Why I Don’t Believe in Patriarchy: Comments on Kate Manne’s Down GirlPhilosophy and Phenomenological Research 101 (1): 220-229. 2020.
725Language and RaceIn Gillian Russell Delia Graff Fara (ed.), The Routledge Companion to Philosophy of Language, Routledge. pp. 753-767. 2011.What is the point of language? If we begin with that abstract question, we may be tempted towards a high-minded answer: “People say things to get other people to come to know things that they didn't know before” (Stalnaker, 2002, 703). The point is truth, knowledge, communication. If we begin with a concrete question, “What has language to do with race?” we find a different point: to attack, spread hatred, create racial hierarchy. The mere practice of racial categorization is controversial: are …Read more
689Ideology, Generics, and Common GroundIn Charlotte Witt (ed.), Feminist Metaphysics: Explorations in the Ontology of Sex, Gender and the Self, Springer Verlag. pp. 179--207. 2010.Are sagging pants cool? Are cows food? Are women more submissive than men? Are blacks more criminal than whites? Taking the social world at face value, many people would be tempted to answer these questions in the affirmative. And if challenged, they can point to facts that support their answers. But there is something wrong about the affirmative answers. In this chapter, I draw on recent ideas in the philosophy of language and metaphysics to show how the assertion of a generic claim of the sort…Read more
606"But mom, crop-tops are cute!" Social knowledge, social structure and ideology critiquePhilosophical Issues 17 (1). 2007.
600Studying While Black: Trust, Opportunity and DisrespectDu Bois Review: Social Science Research on Race 11 (1): 109-136. 2014.How should we explore the relationship between race and educational opportunity? One approach to the Black-White achievement gap explores how race and class cause disparities in access and opportunity. In this paper, I consider how education contributes to the creation of race. Considering examples of classroom micropolitics, I argue that breakdowns of trust and trustworthiness between teachers and students can cause substantial disadvantages and, in the contemporary United States, this happens …Read more
577Philosophical analysis and social kindsProceedings of the Aristotelian Society 106 (1): 89-118. 2006.[Sally Haslanger] In debates over the existence and nature of social kinds such as 'race' and 'gender', philosophers often rely heavily on our intuitions about the nature of the kind. Following this strategy, philosophers often reject social constructionist analyses, suggesting that they change rather than capture the meaning of the kind terms. However, given that social constructionists are often trying to debunk our ordinary (and ideology-ridden?) understandings of social kinds, it is not surp…Read more
493What is a Social Practice?Royal Institute of Philosophy Supplement 82 231-247. 2018.This paper provides an account of social practices that reveals how they are constitutive of social agency, enable coordination around things of value, and are a site for social intervention. The social world, on this account, does not begin when psychologically sophisticated individuals interact to share knowledge or make plans. Instead, culture shapes agents to interpret and respond both to each other and the physical world around us. Practices shape us as we shape them. This provides resource…Read more
444I—Culture and CritiqueAristotelian Society Supplementary Volume 91 (1): 149-173. 2017.How do we achieve social justice? How do we change society for the better? Some would argue that we must do it by changing the laws or state institutions. Others that we must do it by changing individual attitudes. I argue that although both of these factors are important and relevant, we must also change culture. What does this mean? Culture, I argue, is a set of social meanings that shapes and filters how we think and act. Problematic networks of social meanings constitute an ideology. Entrenc…Read more
421Language, Politics, and “The Folk”: Looking for “The Meaning” of ‘Race’The Monist 93 (2): 169-187. 2010.Contemporary discussions of race and racism devote considerable effort to giving conceptual analyses of these notions. Much of the work is concerned to investigate a priori what we mean by the terms ‘ race ’ and ‘racism’ ; more recent work has started to employ empirical methods to determine the content of our “folk concepts,” or “folk theory” of race and racism. In contrast to both of these projects, I have argued elsewhere that in considering what we mean by these terms we should treat them on…Read more
399Theorizing with a purpose: The many kinds of sexIn Catherine Kendig (ed.), Natural Kinds and Classification in Scientific Practice, Routledge. pp. 129-144. 2015.The paper indicates how social kinds may be internally and objectively unified in a way continuous with physical kinds. It argues that the practice of theorizing is continuous with other practices to the extent that theorists, like anyone engaged in a practice, needs to make choices that are responsive to purposes (and corresponding values) guiding the practice. The paper discusses Epstein's theory of anchoring, and argues for a theory of scaffolding social kinds.
369Distinguished Lecture: Social structure, narrative and explanationCanadian Journal of Philosophy 45 (1): 1-15. 2015.Recent work on social injustice has focused on implicit bias as an important factor in explaining persistent injustice in spite of achievements on civil rights. In this paper, I argue that because of its individualism, implicit bias explanation, taken alone, is inadequate to explain ongoing injustice; and, more importantly, it fails to call attention to what is morally at stake. An adequate account of how implicit bias functions must situate it within a broader theory of social structures and st…Read more
365Failures of Methodological Individualism: The Materiality of Social SystemsJournal of Social Philosophy 53 (4): 512-534. 2020.Journal of Social Philosophy, EarlyView.
355Race, intersectionality, and method: a reply to criticsPhilosophical Studies 171 (1): 109-119. 2013.It is a great honor to have such excellent commentary on my book, and I am happy to have the opportunity to discuss these issues with others who have done such important work on the topics. I will reply to the commentaries separately, beginning with the critique by Charles Mills (2013) and moving on to Karen Jones’s (2013). Reply to MillsRevisiting my projectMills considers four views that pose challenges to my account of race as a hierarchical social category.(1) Kitcher (2007) and Andreasen (1…Read more
310Systemic and Structural Injustice: Is There a Difference?Philosophy 98 (1): 1-27. 2023.The terms ‘structural injustice’ and ‘systemic injustice’ are commonly used, but their meanings are elusive. In this paper, I sketch an ontology of social systems that embeds accounts of social structures, relations, and practices. On this view, structures may be intrinsically problematic, or they may be problematic only insofar as they interact with other structures in the system to produce injustice. Because social practices that constitute structures set the backdrop for agency and identity, …Read more
299Feminism and Metaphysics: Unmasking Hidden OntologiesApa Newsletter on Feminism and Philosophy 99 (2): 192--196. 2000.Unlike feminist ethics, or feminist political philosophy, or even feminist epistemology and philosophy of science, feminist metaphysics cannot be said (yet!) to have standing as a full-fledged sub-discipline of either philosophy or feminist theory. Although one can find both undergraduate and graduate courses devoted to the other sub-fields just mentioned, a course in feminist metaphysics is a rare find; and there are few professional philosophers who would consider listing in their areas of spe…Read more
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