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    Embodiment and Place in Autobiographical Remembering: A Relational-Material Approach
    with P. Reavey
    Journal of Consciousness Studies 25 (7-8): 200-224. 2018.
    The relationship between place and remembering has been a long-standing matter of phenomenological concern. The role of the 'lived body' in mediating acts of remembering in context is clearly crucial. In this paper we contribute to an 'expanded view of memory' by describing how remembering difficult or problematic events -- 'vital memories' -- draws upon inter-subjective and inter-objective relations. We discuss two conceptual tools that provide an analytic framework -- the concept of 'life spac…Read more
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    Bacterial Social Life: Information Processing Characteristics and Cooperation Coevolve
    with Livio Riboli-Sasco and Francois Taddei
    In Kim Sterelny, Richard Joyce, Brett Calcott & Ben Fraser (eds.), Cooperation and its Evolution, Mit Press. pp. 275. 2013.
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    Putting 'red alerts' in an ecological and evolutionary context
    with Marco Archetti
    Bioessays 28 (9): 959-959. 2006.
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    The Meaning of “Counsellor”
    Philosophical Practice 5 (1): 549-66. 2010.
    The UK government intends to regulate mental health care professions by enforcing title protection of the terms “counsellor” and “psychotherapist.” The operational definition they have adopted for “counsellor”— a specialist in psychological therapy—is not recorded in any authoritative source as an exclusive,predominant or fundamental meaning of the term. In fact, there is no evidence that it is an independent sense in its own right, unlike the professional titles “psychotherapist,” “doctor,” and…Read more