6The mechanical environment crucially influences many cell functions 1. However, it remains largely mysterious how mechanical stimuli are transmitted into biochemical signals. Src is known to regulate the integrin-cytoskeleton interaction2, which is essential for the transduction of mechanical stimuli3-5. Using fluorescent resonance energy transfer, here we develop a genetically encoded Src reporter that enables the imaging and quantification of spatio-temporal activation of Src in live cells. We…Read more
4The traction forces exerted by an adherent cell on a substrate have been studied only in the two-dimensions tangential to substrate surface. We developed a novel technique to measure the three-dimensional traction forces exerted by live bovine aortic endothelial cells on polyacrylamide deformable substrate. On 3D images acquired by confocal microscopy, displacements were determined with image-processing programs, and traction forces in tangential and normal directions were computed by finite ele…Read more
University of California, San DiegoRegular Faculty
San Diego, California, United States of America
Areas of Interest
Philosophy of Mind |
Philosophy of Biology |