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    Unequal Chances: Ethnic Minorities in Western Labour Markets
    with Anthony Heath
    Proceedings of the British Academy 137
    Anthony F Heath and Sin-Yi Cheung: The Comparative Study of Ethnic Minority Disadvantage Christine Inglis and Suzanne Model: Diversity and Mobility in Australia Irena Kogan: Continuing Ethnic Segmentation in Austria Karen Phalet: Down and Out: The Children of Migrant Workers in the Belgian Labour Market Soojin Yu and Anthony Heath: Inclusion for all but Aboriginals in Canada Roxane Silberman and Irene Fournier: Is French Society Truly Assimilative? Immigrant parents and offspring on the French L…Read more
  •  12
    In The Death of Human Capital?, Phillip Brown, Hugh Lauder, and Sin Yi Cheung demonstrate that the human capital story is one of a failed revolution that requires an alternative approach to education, jobs, and income inequalities. Rather than abandoning human capital theory, the authors seek to redefine it in a way that more accurately addresses today's challenges presented by global competition, new technologies, economic inequalities, and national debt.