Irfan Ajvazi is an writer, author, philosopher, sociologist, academic, literary critic, social theorist, political theorist, political sociologist, political philosopher, social critic, historian, semiotician, geographer, medieval scholar and scholar. He is known primarily for his work on speculative realism, kantian ethics, post-kantian philosophy, philosophy of science, theology, sociology, phenomenology, german idealism, european intellectual history, critical theory, the Holocaust, Marxism, memory, totalitarianism, revolution, and contemporary historiography, medieval studies, geography , especially in the work of Spinoza, Kant, Descartes, Foucault, Deleuze, Althusser, Marx and his circle, as well as his studies of the philosopher Spinoza, Plato, Foucault and Kant. His research interests include ontology, European philosophy, German Idealism (especially Schelling), and both contemporary and historical philosophy of nature. He is often associated with the recent philosophical current known as Speculative Realism. his research focuses on the intellectual history and the political ideas of the twentieth century, modern and contemporary Europe . His publications, all translated into different languages, include a dozen authored and edited collections. Several of his works investigate the philosophy of mind, philosophy of science, european history, kantian philosophy, idealism, phenomenology, psychoanalysis, politics, political theory, marxism, critical theory, historiography, totalitarianism, holocaust studies, geography, medieval studies, philosophy of religion, sociology. Irfan has edited collections on the work of Althusser, Balibar, Badiou, Macherey, Hegel, Freud, Spinoza, Kant, Plato, Marx, and on Phenomenology, and published articles on Parmenides, contemporary and early modern translation theories and practices, Freud, Althusser, Woolf, Lacan, Dialectical Materialism, speculative realism, speculative materialism, and other topics. He is the co-author of Idea Books (academic journal) , Academic Coach at Tesla Academy of Sciences, Co-editor of Tesla Books, Academic Director at Heisenberg Academy, Editor-in-chief at Theoretical Dialectics, Ideology Critique Journal, Editor at Tricontinental Magazine of Social Sciences, Plato Books, Archimedes Books, Galileo Academy, Newton Academy Press, Pythagoras Books and Academic Specialist at Spinoza Journal, Academic Advisor at Theoretical Autodidact Journal. His most recent book is Kant and Critical Reason of Mind (Idea Books, 2021). Other books are Foucault and Absolute Power (Idea Books, 2022); The Ethics of Rationalism and Empiricism (2022), Wittgenstein Games (2022).
Research interests: philosophy, literature, sociology, phenomenology, speculative realism, nihilism, rationalism, empiricism, psychoanalysis, political theory, marxism, social theory, totalitarianism, holocaust studies, medieval studies, geography, european intellectual history, post-kantian philosophy, neo-spinozism, spinozism, fideism, literary studies, literary theory, orientalism, european history, political sociology, political philosophy, german idealism, materialism, actor-network theory, ideology, historiography, utilitarianism, moral relativism, universalism, naturalism, radical empiricism, epistemology, transcendental idealism.
Main interests: speculative realism, post-kantian philosophy, rationalism, empiricism, actor-network theory, cartesianism, kantianism, cosmology, psychoanalysis, marxism, politics, historiography, european intellectual history, medieval studies, geography, european history, world history, idealism, ontology, phenomenology, platonism, stoicism, cynicism, sociology, theology, critical theory, innatism, foundationalism, literature.
Irfan wrote academic papers, academic writings, and publications and chapter thesis on Kant, Lyotard, Baudrillard, Bourdieu, Bruno Latour, Marx, Althusser, Derrida and Plato.
School: Continental philosophy , Social constructionism , Actor–network theory, Speculative realism (transcendental materialism) , Rationalism
Spinozism, Enlightenment philosophy
Foundationalism (according to Hegel)[5]
Direct realism[7]
Correspondence theory of truth[a][9] ,Rationalism
Innatism[2]: 257
Conceptualism[4]: 43
Indirect realism[6]: 136
Correspondence theory of truth[7]
Theological voluntarism