139Language: Companions to Ancient Thought, Vol. 3 (edited book)Cambridge University Press. 1994.This third Companion To Ancient Thought is devoted to ancient theories of language. The chapters range over more than eight hundred years of philosophical enquiry, and provide critical analyses of all the principal accounts of how it is that language can have meaning and how we can come to acquire linguistic understanding. The discussions move from the naturalism examined in Plato's Cratylus to the sophisticated theories of the Hellenistic schools and the work of St Augustine. The relations betw…Read more
6Epicurus on the Truth of the SensesIn Epistemology: Companions to Ancient Thought, Vol. 1, Cambridge University Press. pp. 161-183. 1990.
140Aristotle on perceptionOxford University Press. 1997.Everson presents a comprehensive new study of Aristotle's account of perception and related mental capacities. Recent debate about Aristotle's theory of mind has focused on this account, which is Aristotle's most sustained and detailed attempt to describe and explain the behavior of living things. Everson places this account in the context of Aristotle's natural science as a whole, showing how Aristotle applies the explanatory tools he developed in other works to the study of perceptual cognitio…Read more
9What are reasons for action?In Constantine Sandis (ed.), New essays on the explanation of action, Palgrave-macmillan. pp. 22-47. 2009.
31Motivating ReasonsIn Timothy O'Connor & Constantine Sandis (eds.), A Companion to the Philosophy of Action, Wiley-blackwell. 2010.This chapter contains sections titled: References.
185Epistemology: Companions to Ancient Thought, Vol. 1 (edited book)Cambridge University Press. 1990.This volume deals with Epistemology. The period from the sixth century BC to the second and third centuries AD was one of the most fertile for the theory of knowledge, and the range of 'epistemic states' explored in the ancient texts is much wider than those to be found in contemporary discussions of epistemology or cognition. Greek philosophers approached these problems in a great variety of ways, from the extreme relativism of Protagoras to the scepticism of the Pyrrhonists, and the contributo…Read more
48In Defence of Ungrounded Desires: Against Raz's Classical Account of AgencyEuropean Journal of Philosophy 12 (3): 283-303. 2004.
26A Unified Moral Terrain?Journal of Ethics and Social Philosophy 2 (1): 1-39. 2006.In his book What We Owe to Each Other, Thomas Scanlon proposes what he calls a ‘contractualist’ explanation of what he describes as ‘a central part of the territory called morality’, i.e. our duties to other rational creatures. If Scanlon is right, the fact that another creature is rational generates a particular kind of moral constraint on how we may act towards it: one should ‘treat rational creatures only in ways that would be allowed by principles that they could not reasonably reject insofa…Read more
37Language. Vol. 3 of Companions to Ancient ThoughtPhilosophical Review 105 (2): 241. 1996.Language is the third in a series of volumes edited by Stephen Everson devoted to the examination of a special topic in philosophy from its origins in the pre-Socratic thinkers through to Late Antiquity. In keeping with its predecessors, Epistemology and Psychology, this is a collection of essays whose audience is primarily Anglo-American philosophers of an analytic bent. “This new series of Companions is intended particularly for students of ancient thought who will be reading the texts in tran…Read more
97Psychology: Companions to Ancient Thought, Vol. 2 (edited book)Cambridge University Press. 1991.This second Companion deals with the ancient theories of the psyche. The essays range over more than eight hundred years of psychological enquiry and provide critical analyses not only of the ancient discussions of the nature of the psyche and its states, but of such central topics as perception, subjectivity, the explanation of action, and what it is to be a person. In examining the wide variety of the different psychological theories offered by the ancient thinkers, from the increasingly compl…Read more
51Ethics: Companions to Ancient Thought, Vol. 4 (edited book)Cambridge University Press. 1998.This fourth Companion to Ancient Thought is devoted to ancient ethics. The chapters range over the ethical theories of all the major philosophers and schools from the earliest times to the work of the Hellenistic philosophers. There is a substantial introduction which considers the question of what is distinctive about ancient ethics, and an extensive bibliography. This collection provides a sophisticated and accessible introduction to the moral theories of the ancient world.
41Justice and Just Action in Plato's RepublicIn Ben Morison & Katerina Ierodiakonou (eds.), Episteme, etc.: Essays in honour of Jonathan Barnes, Oxford University Press. pp. 249-276. 2011.
68Aristotle on PerceptionPhilosophical Review 108 (2): 282. 1999.This is an important book for the specialist in Aristotelian natural science and philosophy of mind. While its overall aims are more sweeping—to show how the account of perception is an application of the explanatory method of the Physics and to argue that Aristotle’s resulting method of explaining mental activity has substantive advantages over contemporary accounts in philosophy of mind —much of its most successful argument is a sustained and detailed attack on a position made famous by Myles …Read more
2Proper Sensibles and Kappaalphatheta Alphaupsilontaualpha CausesPhronesis: A Journal for Ancient Philosophy 40 (3): 265-292. 1995.
2Epicurus on mind and languageIn Language: Companions to Ancient Thought, Vol. 3, Cambridge University Press. 1994.
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