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    On the Textual Authenticity of Kant's Logic
    History and Philosophy of Logic 9 (2): 193-203. 1988.
    Philological background information is presented on the origin and composition of the text generally known as Kant's Logic. The text, which was not in the strict sense of the word written by Kant himself, but rather assembled by another writer whom Kant had authorized to do so on his behalf, is a mixture of materials, not all of which originate directly from Kant, and cannot claim full authenticity
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    The brothers james and john bernoulli on the parallelism between logic and algebra
    History and Philosophy of Logic 11 (2): 173-184. 1990.
    A short seventeenth-century text, sometimes cited as one of the first essays in mathematical logic, is introduced, translated and evaluated. Although by no means sharing the depth and magnitude of the investigations by Leibniz being undertaken at the same time, and although in particular not yet applying algebraic symbolism to logical structures, the treatise is of historical interest as an early published attempt to trace out analogies between logical and mathematical form, and may be viewed as…Read more
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    A note on john venn as a collector and bibliographer of works on logic
    History and Philosophy of Logic 16 (1): 121-125. 1995.
    A short characterization is given of the contents and origin of the collection of books on logic donated by John Venn to the Cambridge University Library and of its relation to the bibliography in...
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    In seinen letzten Lebensjahren übertrug Immanuel Kant seinem ehemaligen Schüler Gottlob Benjamin Jäsche die Aufgabe, aus seinen Vorlesungsnotizen ein Handbuch der Logik zu machen. In der Folge galt dieses lange Zeit fast als ein authentisches Werk Kants. Dennoch handelte es sich keineswegs um die Edition eines Manuskripts, sondern um die Auswertung und Redaktion ungleichartiger und oft fragmentarischer Quellen. Daher werden die Arbeitsweise Jäsches bei der Herausgabe des Textes, aber auch die hi…Read more
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    I. KANT "Lectures on logic" (review)
    History and Philosophy of Logic 15 (2): 244. 1994.
  • M. J. V. Lobeiras: Die Logik Und Ihr Spiegelbild (review)
    Kant Studien 93 (1): 127-130. 2002.