46Superseding historical injustice? New critical assessmentsCritical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy 25 (3): 319-330. 2022.
36Supersession and compensation for historical injusticeCritical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy. forthcoming.This article examines the relationship between Jeremy Waldron’s supersession thesis and compensation. Recently, Waldron has argued that claims for material compensation for the original injustice cannot be superseded. He limits supersession to issues of restitution. Waldron’s supersession thesis is frequently cited by opponents of claims based on historical injustice, so his view of compensation warrants close examination. In our article, we explain the details of Waldron’s ‘simple model’ of com…Read more
32Book Review: Injustice and the Reproduction of History: Structural Inequalities, Gender and Redress, by Alasia Nuti (review)Political Theory 50 (3): 539-544. 2022.
6Grave Injustice: Disrespect Toward the Dead, Transgenerational Publicity, and ReparationsJournal of Social Philosophy. forthcoming.Journal of Social Philosophy, EarlyView.
McGill UniversityRegular Faculty
Montréal, Quebec, Canada
Areas of Interest
Social and Political Philosophy |
Philosophy of Gender, Race, and Sexuality |