59A Dialogue Concerning Claim Jumping and Compensatory Justice or Introducing Affirmative Action By StealthTeaching Philosophy 21 (2): 131-151. 1998.This paper presents a lesson plan originally designed for applied ethics classes filled with primarily white, conservative students. In an environment where students used the terminology of “reverse discrimination” and “quotas” rather than “Affirmative Action,” the author employs a fictionalized example of a claim jumper and the rightful owner’s entitlement to the claim in order to present basic arguments for compensatory justice. These arguments are extended by analogy to the issue of Affirmati…Read more
30The New Critical Thinking: An Empirically Informed IntroductionTeaching Philosophy 42 (3): 307-310. 2019.
Living in the Gettier FalloutDissertation, University of California, Santa Barbara. 1992.In a nutshell, I construct and defend an analysis of empirical knowledge. Call this analysis A . A is very eclectic, but it is best described as a reliabilistic-defeasibility analysis of knowledge. Its virtues are these: A seems to be able to handle Gettier examples. A overcomes the 'social aspects problem' of knowing. A makes sense of this phenomenon: Sometimes we are willing to attribute knowledge to S who has evidence E for believing that P. But, at other times, we are unwilling to say that S…Read more
51Aristotle, Autism, and Applied Behavior AnalysisPhilosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology 22 (4): 253-262. 2015.Is it possible for children with autism to live a good life, to flourish? Surprisingly, the answer is yes, given a particular understanding of flourishing. Our project is to explain the conception of flourishing that we have in mind and explain how children with autism may come to flourish.Instead of constructing an account of a good life from the ground up for this project, Aristotle’s conception of a good life, of human flourishing, will be used. Using Aristotle’s paradigm of a good life, the …Read more
31Beguiling Would-Be SerpentsBusiness and Professional Ethics Journal 28 (1-4): 49-64. 2009.In his classic paper, The Serpent Beguiled Me And I Did Eat, Gerald Dworkin makes the case that, without probable cause, the useof Proactive Law Enforcement Techniques (PALETs) is morally impermissible. Call this prohibition Dworkin’s Rule (DR). Here we argue that there are two reasonable exceptions to DR—the use of PALETs, without probable cause, is justifi ed when employed against High Level Government Officials (HLGOs) and High Level Business Officials (HLBOs). Moreover, these exceptions are …Read more
77Making Sense of the Truth Table for Conditional StatementsTeaching Philosophy 31 (2): 179-184. 2008.This essay provides an intuitive technique that illustrates why a conditional must be true when the antecedent is false and the consequent is either true or false. Other techniques for explaining the conditional’s truth table are unsatisfactory.
61The Deep Impact of Applied Behavior Analysis for Children with Autism Spectrum DisorderPhilosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology 22 (4): 271-274. 2015.If applied behavior analysis works as claimed by Furman and Tuminello, then both Schlinger and Potter agree that ABA could, in principle, be an aid for solving many more problems than just those associated with autism spectrum disorder. Does ABA work for children with ASD as Furman and Tuminello claim? Schlinger believes that ABA can, in fact, solve developmental and behavioral problems associated with ASD for some children to the point that those children might flourish in the Aristotelian sens…Read more
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