• Een rechtsstatelijk Europa: Beperk de overheidsmacht
    In Thijs Van Aken, Suzanne Van den Eynden & Afke Groen (eds.), Veertien missies voor Europa: Nieuwe denkers over een vrije, gelijke en democratische toekomst, Boom Geschiedenis. pp. 141-149. 2024.
    This chapter formulates a mission for the future of Europe concerning rule of law protection. It draws on Judith Shklar's idea of the 'liberalism of fear' to explain the importance of protecting the rule of law, addresses a number of threats to the rule of law in contemporary Europe, and puts forward a set of concrete suggestions for strenghtening the rule of law in the EU.
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    This chapter describes how philosophical theorizing about justice can be connected with empirical research in the social sciences. We begin by drawing on some received distinctions between ideal and non-ideal approaches to theorizing justice along several different dimensions, showing how non-ideal approaches are needed to address normative aspects of real-world problems and to provide practical guidance. We argue that there are advantages to a transitional approach to justice focusing on manife…Read more
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    This chapter describes a philosophical approach to theorizing justice, mapping out some main strands of the tradition leading up to contemporary political philosophy. We first briefly discuss what distinguishes a philosophical approach to justice from other possible approaches to justice, by explaining the normative focus of philosophical theories of justice – that is, a focus on questions not about how things actually are, but about how things ought to be. Next, we explain what sorts of methods…Read more
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    This paper critically engages the legal and political framework for responding to democracy and rule of law backsliding in the EU. I develop a new and original critique of Article 7 TEU based on it being democratically illegitimate and normatively incoherent qua itself in conflict with EU fundamental values. Other more incremental and scaleable responses are desirable, and the paper moves on to assess the legitimacy of economic sanctions such as tying access to EU funds to performance on democra…Read more