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    Despite readily available facts and figures regarding human-caused natural degradation, a large portion of the public still refuses to believe that the environment is suffering because of our actions. This refusal to believe, paired with a lack of environmental motivation, has become so evident that it recently attracted the attention of scientists and psychologists attempting to account for it from various perspectives. The disbelief in, for instance, climate change, is hard to explain without …Read more
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    Odmaknuto gledište. Globalizacija unutar filozofije
    Synthesis Philosophica 24 (1): 117-130. 2009.
    Razmatrajući pitanje globalizacije u kontekstu filozofije, tekst kreće u pomalo neočekivanom pravcu: ne promišlja o značenju i posljedicama procesa kojeg nazivamo ‘globalnim’ nego umjesto toga nastoji istražiti kakav je utjecaj globalizacije na filozofiju te teorijsku i literarnu produkciju. Umjesto pokušaja da odmah »misli globalizaciju«, tekst nastoji pokazati »što je globalizacija učinila mišljenju«. Za ilustraciju toga nastojanja uzet će se u obzir tri glavna područja koja treba istražiti: A…Read more
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    A Distant View. Globalization inside Philosophy
    Synthesis Philosophica 24 (1): 117-130. 2009.
    When tackling with the issue of globalization in the context of philosophy, this article takes somewhat different route than expected: it doesn’t ponder upon the meaning and the consequences of the processes we call ‘global’, but instead tries to find out how philosophy, theoretical and literary production themselves have been affected by globalization. Instead of an attempt to immediately “think the globalization” it tries to show what “globalization has done to thinking”. In order to illustrat…Read more
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    Aus der Distanz betrachtet. Globalisierung in der Philosophie
    Synthesis Philosophica 24 (1): 117-130. 2009.
    Der Verfasser betrachtet die Frage der Globalisierung im Kontext der Philosophie und schwenkt in etwas unerwarteter Richtung ab: Gegenstand seiner Untersuchungen sind nicht Bedeutung und Folgen des als „global“ bezeichneten Prozesses, sondern die Art und Weise, in der die Globalisierung die philosophisch-theoretische und literarische Produktion beeinflusst. Anstatt also umgehend „die Globalisierung zu reflektieren“, möchte der Verfasser zeigen, „was die Globalisierung dem Denken angetan hat“. Um…Read more
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    This book addresses issues connected with political, ontological, existential, and spiritual borders that define our being-in-common. Engaging with various debordering practices relating to migration, the media, hospitality, and the more than human world, it is a timely contribution to contemporary philosophical, political, and social studies.
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    Une vision à part. La mondialisation au sein de la philosophie
    Synthesis Philosophica 24 (1): 117-130. 2009.
    Alors qu’il examine la question de la mondialisation dans le contexte de la philosophie, le texte prend une direction quelque peu inattendue : au lieu de réfléchir sur la signification et les conséquences du processus dit « global », il tente d’établir comment la philosophie ainsi que la production théorique et littéraire sont à leur tour affectés par la mondialisation. Au lieu de « penser la mondialisation » d’emblée, le texte tente de montrer ce que « la mondialisation a eu comme effet sur la …Read more
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    Etika danes: filozofsko raziskovanje in razumevanje etike v sodobni družbi (edited book)
    with Gašper Pirc
    Annales ZRS. 2021.
  • Pogosto se domneva, da Wittgenstein o etiki, posledično pa tudi o religiji in estetiki, govori samo z ozirom na njihovo neizrekljivost. Ta članek skuša nasprotno pokazati, da Wittgenstein etično-religioznega diskurza nikakor ne izganja iz smiselne govorice, temveč mu, predvsem v svojih poznih letih, izkazuje globoko spoštovanje. Prvi del članka se osredotoči na razmislek o smiselnosti etično-religioznih stavkov, medtem ko se skuša drugi del v Wittgensteinovo etično-religiozno problematiko poglob…Read more
  • This paper has a twofold aim: first, it explores possible causes, or reasons, for emergence and existence of philosophical traditions, and second, based on the results of this first examination, it tries to deduce what are the consequences, or prospects, of branching off of philosophical thought for philosophical activity itself. In looking for causes for the upspring of various thought-traditions, the paper focuses on an ‘external view’ approach, borrowing the label from W. James. In ‘Upshot’ i…Read more