Leeds, West Yorkshire, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
  •  10
    History of Mathematics and History of Science
    Isis 102 (3): 518-526. 2011.
    This essay argues that the diversity of the history of mathematics community in the United Kingdom has influenced the development of the subject and is a significant factor behind the different concerns often evident in work on the history of mathematics when compared with that of historians of science. The heterogeneous nature of the community, which includes many who are not specialist historians, and the limited opportunities for academic careers open to practitioners have had a profound effe…Read more
  •  24
    Review of Benjamin Wardhaugh (ed.), The history of the history of mathematics: Case studies for the 17th, 18th and 19th centuries. Oxford: Peter Lang, 2012, vi + 187 pp. (ISBN 978-3034307086).