1A Modal Argument for Determinism Qua Universal NecessityRevista Portuguesa de Filosofia 80 (4): 997-1008. 2024.This paper states and examines a modal argument for universal necessity, that is: for the necessary truth of every true proposition. Deep issues in the metaphysics of modality are bound up with the argument, as is revealed in the attempt to defend, or refute, it.
5Nichttarskische Semantik der modalen AussagenlogikIn Georg Meggle & Ulla Wessels (eds.), Analyōmen 1 =, W. De Gruyter. pp. 98-102. 1994.
25An Axiomatization of the Thomasic Ontology of CompositionRevista Portuguesa de Filosofia 79 (1-2): 65-136. 2023.This treatise delves into the construction and formalization of a precise theory to encapsulate a pivotal facet of Thomas Aquinas’s ontology. In particular, it focuses on the development of a formal language that is adequate for formulating Aquinas’s understanding of the simultaneous nature of divinity as both an object of subsistence and a universal, individual, and actuating form—a concept evocative of the original Platonic sense of form. The presented axiomatized theory as a medium for expoun…Read more
8Der Begriff der Notwendigkeit in der Antike und in der GegenwartIn Hans Rott & Vitezslav Horak (eds.), Possibility and Reality, Walter De Gruyter. pp. 13-50. 2003.
23Three Logico-Ontological Notions and MereologyIn Christer Svennerlind, Almäng Jan & Rögnvaldur Ingthorsson (eds.), Johanssonian Investigations: Essays in Honour of Ingvar Johansson on His Seventieth Birthday, Ontos Verlag. pp. 439-447. 2013.
5Dualism and ResurrectionIn Christian Kanzian, Winfried Löffler & Josef Quitterer (eds.), The Ways Things Are: Studies in Ontology, Ontos. pp. 263-276. 2011.
4The Interpretation(s) of PredicationIn Lukás Novák, Daniel D. Novotný, Prokop Sousedík & David Svoboda (eds.), Metaphysics: Aristotelian, Scholastic, Analytic, Ontos Verlag. pp. 229-246. 2012.
9Table of ContentsIn Antonella Corradini & Uwe Meixner (eds.), Quantum Physics Meets the Philosophy of Mind: New Essays on the Mind-Body Relation in Quantum-Theoretical Perspective, De Gruyter. 2014.
9The ContributorsIn Antonella Corradini & Uwe Meixner (eds.), Quantum Physics Meets the Philosophy of Mind: New Essays on the Mind-Body Relation in Quantum-Theoretical Perspective, De Gruyter. pp. 209-210. 2014.
40Thomas Buchheim, corneille Henri Kneepkens und Kuno Lorenz (hg.), Potentialität und possibilität, frommann-holzboog: Stuttgart-bad cannstadt 2001Grazer Philosophische Studien 67 (1): 240-242. 2004.
10Subject IndexIn Antonella Corradini & Uwe Meixner (eds.), Quantum Physics Meets the Philosophy of Mind: New Essays on the Mind-Body Relation in Quantum-Theoretical Perspective, De Gruyter. pp. 203-208. 2014.
15PrefaceIn Antonella Corradini & Uwe Meixner (eds.), Quantum Physics Meets the Philosophy of Mind: New Essays on the Mind-Body Relation in Quantum-Theoretical Perspective, De Gruyter. pp. 1-2. 2014.
13No Life without TimeIn Mirosław Szatkowski (ed.), God, Time, Infinity, De Gruyter. pp. 105-114. 2018.
13Name IndexIn Antonella Corradini & Uwe Meixner (eds.), Quantum Physics Meets the Philosophy of Mind: New Essays on the Mind-Body Relation in Quantum-Theoretical Perspective, De Gruyter. pp. 199-202. 2014.
10Intelligible WorldsIn Alessandro Giordani & Ciro de Florio (eds.), From Arithmetic to Metaphysics: A Path Through Philosophical Logic, De Gruyter. pp. 289-308. 2018.
123Quantum Physics Meets the Philosophy of Mind: New Essays on the Mind-Body Relation in Quantum-Theoretical Perspective (edited book)De Gruyter. 2014.Quantum physics, unlike classical physics, suggests a non-physicalistic metaphysics. Whereas physicalism implies a reductive position in the philosophy of mind, quantum physics is compatible with non-reductionism, and actually seems to support it. The essays in this book explore, from various points of view, the possibilities of basing a non-reductive philosophy of mind on quantum physics."--Back cover.
Ontologie, Metaphysik und der ontologische IdealismusIn Vittorio Hösle & Fernando Suarez Müller (eds.), Idealismus heute: aktuelle Perspektiven und neue Impulse, Wbg. 2015.
18Critical Comments on Nicholas Rescher’s »Why Is There Anything at All? Leibnizian Ruminations on Ultimate Questions«Philosophisches Jahrbuch 123 (2): 531-542. 2016.
29Der Begriff der Notwendigkeit in der Antike und in der GegenwartKriterion - Journal of Philosophy 1 (16): 19-38. 2002.This paper has two parts. The first part is historical, presenting a brief history of the concept of necessity from the time of antiquity to the present. It is shown that the conceptions of necessity in antiquity had four main sources: matter-necessity, form-necessity, efficiencynecessity, and purpose-necessity. Special attention is accorded to the syncretistic concept of the necessity of fate, and its transformations from the beginning of antiquity to its end. Moreover, it is pointed out that a…Read more
36A Paradox for the Existence PredicateBulletin of the Section of Logic 51 (2): 267-280. 2022.In this paper, a paradox is shown to arise in the context of classical logic from prima facie highly plausible assumptions for the existence predicate as applied to definite descriptions. There are several possibilities to evade the paradox; all involve modifications in the principles of first-order logic with identity, existence, and definite descriptions; some stay within classical logic, others leave it. The merits of the various "ways out" are compared. The most attractive "way out," it is a…Read more
13Über das zentrale Argument für den erkenntnistheoretischen IdealismusFacta Philosophica 4 (1): 89-103. 2002.
433K. C. F. Krause: The Combinatorian as LogicianEuropean Journal for Philosophy of Religion 14 (2). 2022.In a time which it is not amiss to term “the Dark Ages of logic”, Karl Christian Friedrich Krause stayed not only true to logic but actually did something for its advancement. Besides making systematic use of Venn-diagrams long before Venn, Krause — once more taking his inspiration from Leibniz — propounded what appears to be the first completely symbolic systematic representation of logical forms, strongly suggestive of the powerful symbolic languages that have become the mainstay of logic sinc…Read more
22Causal Predicates, Causal Principles, and the Core of CausationRevista Portuguesa de Filosofia 77 (4): 1153-1174. 2021.How might one tackle the subject of causation with the least amount of preformed conceptions – and arrive by a series of well-motivated conceptual decisions at a concept of causation that captures the “heart of the matter”? This essay is a sustained attempt to answer this question. On the way, causal predicates of various degrees of importance are defined and causal principles of various degrees of plausibility discussed, all of this in the service of approaching, step by step, “the heart of the…Read more
11Axiomatic Formal OntologyKluwer Academic Publishers. 1997.Axiomatic Formal Ontology is a fairly comprehensive systematic treatise on general metaphysics. The axiomatic method is applied throughout the book. Its main theme is the construction of a general non-set-theoretical theory of intensional entities. Other important matters discussed are the metaphysics of modality, the nature of actual existence, mereology and the taxonomy of entities.