Vijaya Abhinandan

Nalla Malla Reddy Engineering College
Nalla Malla Reddy Engineering College
Nalla Malla Reddy Engineering College
Alumnus, 2016
Areas of Specialization
Computer Science
Areas of Interest
Computer Science
  •  918
    Sentiment analysis on online social network
    International Journal of Computer Science, Information Technology, and Security. forthcoming.
    A large amount of data is maintained in every Social networking sites.The total data constantly gathered on these sites make it difficult for methods like use of field agents, clipping services and ad-hoc research to maintain social media data. This paper discusses the previous research on sentiment analysis.
  •  389
    Social media sites offer a huge data about our everyday life, thoughts, feelings and reflecting what the users want and like. Since user behavior on OSNS is a mirror image of actions in the real world, scholars have to investigate the use SM to prediction, making forecasts about our daily life. This paper provide an overview of different commonly used social media and application of their data analysis.