•  37
    Community and Constraint
    Philosophy and Rhetoric 48 (2): 162-185. 2015.
    Most Plato scholarship characterizes Socrates's dialectic as cooperative, reciprocal, and open ended. This orthodoxy echoes Socrates's characterizations of it, but the dialectic's dramatizations rarely confirm it. Commentators recognizing this seek to protect the dialectic's image by maligning Socrates's interlocutors. Francisco Gonzalez's description of the Protagoras's “central crisis” exemplifies this approach. When a dispute over how to conduct the discussion threatens its dissolution, Gonza…Read more
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    Philosophical Eroticism, or How Socrates Made Me a Man
    Ancient Philosophy 38 (3): 289-304. 2018.
    Dialogue, Philosophical Eroticism, Plato, Socrates, Power Dynamics, Episteme, Self-Knowledge, Eros