Studies in Pre-Judicative Hermeneutics And Meontology (edited book, 8th ed.)Bucharest University Press. 2023.
Studii în hermeneutica pre-judicativă și meontologie, vol. 4 (edited book)Editura Universității din București. 2020.
23Ce este și cum poate fi cunoscut datul. Comentariu pe marginea capitolului despre pozitivism din Teoria cunoștințeiStudii de Istorie a Filosofiei Românești 17 25-42. 2021.In Teoria cunoștinței (Theory of knowledge), the author N. Bagdasar enunciated the following idea: the metaphysics is conditioned by the theory of knowledge, since the first is a knowledge placed from the beginning under rules. After I will emphasise the Kantian sense of this idea and depict the manner in which the author explains Auguste Comte’s positivism in relation with the meaning of ‘positive’ (given) in that context, I will put into discussion two theories about the unknowability of a “f…Read more
28Reprezentări filosofice ale unității existenței: prin credință noetică și credință perceptivăStudii de Istorie a Filosofiei Românești 18 11-27. 2022.In the following paper, I suggest an interpretation of Petrovici’s and Merleau-Ponty’s philosophy, both of them structured in accordance with the concept of unity of existence (the world), itself given in a close relation with the idea about an existential subject. Each philosophy includes a representation of the unity of existence, founded, the first, in a spiritual conviction (noetic belief), and the second, in a perceptual faith. This representation is in the same time a privileged kind by wh…Read more
25The Ontology of the JudicativeBalkan Journal of Philosophy 8 (2): 143-148. 2016.In this paper, I will attempt to formulate some observations about the limits of a traditional ontology that is in its essence a judicative one. The main goal is to explore the possibility of constructing a pre-judicative ontology; in other words, to describe the cognitive and affective elements that are “under” the main ontological judgments, related naturally to being. The arguments in favor of a pre-judicative ontology offer a new perspective on judicative ontology itself. This pre-judicative…Read more
Bucharest, Romania
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