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    本书包括: 与命与仁: 原始儒家的伦理精神及其现代诠释、问题与观念: 现代性格义、原始儒家的天命—道德史观与现代性的时间、原始儒家的“为己之学”与现代性的自我问题、原始儒家的“天命在身”观念与现代性的政道问题.
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    Welcoming a New Stage of Confucian Revival
    Contemporary Chinese Thought 49 (2): 129-138. 2018.
    Editor’s AbstractTang Wenming is a professor of philosophy at Tsinghua University in Beijing, trained in both the European and Chinese traditions, and the author of a sophisticated critique of Mou Zongsan's philosophy. The central idea in this conversation is that contemporary Confucianism must find a way to recover its “edifying” (jiaohua) role in Chinese society. Philosophy is important, says Tang, but Confucianism cannot simply be an academic philosophy; it must have a broader social function…Read more
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    International Journal of Chinese and Comparative Philosophy of Medicine 20 (2): 93-131. 2022.
    LANGUAGE NOTE | Document text in Chinese; abstract also in English. 承認涉及自我與他者之間的相互認可,因而可以將承認理論理解為一項關於人倫構成的哲學理論。本文首先分析黑格爾、霍耐特的現代承認理論的得失,特別對霍耐特所提出的“生存模式的承認”與黑格爾的“主奴辯證法”進行反思性分析,揭示出現代承認理論的人類學前提是將人理解為一個口只關注人的必死性的欲望的主體;之後回到奥古斯丁,通過重構奥古斯丁關於人從記憶中尋求上帝的描述,提出一種基於創造論(proctology)的承認理論,指出這種承認理論的人類學前提是將人理解為一個關注人的降生性的感應的主體;最後通過分析儒教經典中的相關論述,指出天人之倫乃是父子之倫、朋友之倫、君臣之倫的基礎,從而為一種宗教性的生命倫理學奠定理論基礎。 Recognition involves mutual recognition between the self and others. As such, the theory of recognition can be understood as a …Read more
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    Mou Zongsan, one of the representatives of Modern Confucianism, belongs to the most important Chinese philosophers in the 20th century. From a more traditional Confucian perspective, this book makes a critical analysis on Mou's "moral metaphysics", mainly his thoughts about Confucian ethos. The author observes that Mou simplifies Confucian ethos rooted in various and specific environments, making them equal to modern ethics, which is a subversion of the ethical order of life advocated by traditi…Read more
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    本书包括: 与命与仁: 原始儒家的伦理精神及其现代诠释、问题与观念: 现代性格义、原始儒家的天命—道德史观与现代性的时间、原始儒家的“为己之学”与现代性的自我问题、原始儒家的“天命在身”观念与现代性的政道问题.