University of Arizona
Department of Philosophy
Tucson, Arizona, United States of America
Areas of Specialization
Social and Political Philosophy
  •  684
    Moral Dimensions of Moral Hazards
    Utilitas 26 (1): 34-50. 2014.
    ‘Moral hazard’ is an economic term which commonly refers to situations in which people have a tendency to increase their exposure to risk when the costs of their actions, should they get unlucky, befall someone else. Once insured, for example, a person might have little reason, financially speaking, to be careful if he will get fully reimbursed for his losses should things go wrong, especially if he does not risk an increase in his insurance premium fees. In this article, I argue that moral haza…Read more
  •  196
    Inequality, injustice and levelling down
    Ratio 21 (4): 392-420. 2008.
    The levelling down objection is the most serious objection to the principle of equality, but we think it can be conclusively defeated. It is serious because it pits the principle of equality squarely against the welfares of the persons whose welfares or resources are equalized. It suggests that there is something perverse about the principle of equality. In this paper, we argue that levelling down is not an implication of the principle of equality. To show this we offer a defence of, and partial…Read more