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    The God Delusion
    Tradition and Discovery 33 (3): 64-65. 2006.
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    Respect and Empathy in the Social Scicnce Writings of Michael Polanyi
    Tradition and Discovery 35 (1): 8-32. 2008.
    This essay first explains Polanyi’s theory of the evolutionary genesis of humanity’s distinctive calling to strive to be rational. It shows how Polanyi envisioned human rationality as necessarily entailing a natural respect for other people. Finally, the essay shows how Polanyi shapes a method for a critical social seience, which is consistent with his understanding of human rationality
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    Recognition that Michael Polanyi is one of the greatest minds of the Post-Modern era is rapidly increasing. His theory of "tacit knowledge" is one of Polanyi's most significant contributions to the philosophy of mind. In our view, that notion can be most fully understood when read in the context of his general assertions and assumptions about the nature of consciousness. Our analysis of Polanyi's use of the term "consciousness" finds three distinct meanings. These are: Consciousness 1, conscious…Read more