•  26
    A structure created by intersectingϵmartensite variant plates in a high-manganese steel
    with T. Sawaguchi, K. Ogawa, F. Yin, and X. Zhao
    Philosophical Magazine 91 (35): 4410-4426. 2011.
  • Commented Article: ZHANG, Yan. Evaluation on the Interaction between Chinese Traditional Philosophical Culture and Higher Education Ideas. Trans/Form/Ação: Unesp Journal of Philosophy, v. 47, n. 4, e0240055, 2024. Available at: https://revistas.marilia.unesp.br/index.php/transformacao/article/view/14625.
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    Clinical ethics consultations (CECs) play an important role in resolving ethical issues in clinical practice worldwide. The government has encouraged the development of CECs in China to address the ethical challenges arising in prenatal diagnosis. So far, the current state and challenges facing CEC remain understudied. This study aimed to explore the perspectives of employees on ethics committees for prenatal diagnosis in 13 medical institutions in Hunan Province, China. Twenty-eight employees p…Read more
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    The international community has proposed a comprehensive strategy to prevent congenital abnormalities. And China, with a high incidence of congenital diseases, has implemented measures including prenatal screening and diagnosis to reduce the morbidity of congenital abnormalities. However, ethical challenges arise in the practice of prenatal screening and diagnosis among healthcare professionals. Five focus group discussions were conducted with twenty-four health professionals working in maternal…Read more
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    Brain Cortical Complexity and Subcortical Morphometrics in Lifelong Premature Ejaculation
    with Jiaming Lu, Lihua Yuan, Jiaxuan Jin, Shangwen Yang, Wen Zhang, Ming Li, Junxia Wang, Sichu Wu, Qian Chen, Zhao Qing, Yutian Dai, Bing Zhang, and Zhishun Wang
    Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 14. 2020.
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    Objectives: The aim of the current study was to differentiate between neural activity that represents neural anomalies that are responsible for persistent developmental stuttering from the activity that is a result of compensating for stuttering. This was done by investigating alterations to the intrinsic functional architecture of speech-language processes of patients with PDS before and after a short-term intervention. Methods: The resting-state functional connectivity and cortical thickness w…Read more
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    © 2015 Taylor & Francis. This analysis compares the climate impacts over North America during winter associated with various El Niño-Southern Oscillation indices, including the Niño 3.4 index, the leading tropical Pacific outgoing longwave radiation and sea surface temperature covariability, and the eastern Pacific and central Pacific types of ENSO identified from both partial-regression-empirical orthogonal function and regression-EOF approaches. The traditional Niño 3.4 SST index is found to b…Read more
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    Tumor-specific chromosome mis-segregation controls cancer plasticity by maintaining tumor heterogeneity
    with Y. Hu, N. Ru, H. Xiao, A. Chaturbedi, Hoa N. T., X. J. Tian, H. Zhang, C. Ke, F. Yan, J. Nelson, Z. Li, R. Gramer, L. Yu, E. Siegel, Z. Jia, M. R. Jadus, C. L. Limoli, M. E. Linskey, J. Xing, and Y. H. Zhou
    Aneuploidy with chromosome instability is a cancer hallmark. We studied chromosome 7 copy number variation in gliomas and in primary cultures derived from them. We found tumor heterogeneity with cells having Chr7-CNV commonly occurs in gliomas, with a higher percentage of cells in high-grade gliomas carrying more than 2 copies of Chr7, as compared to low-grade gliomas. Interestingly, all Chr7-aneuploid cell types in the parental culture of established glioma cell lines reappeared in single-cell-…Read more
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    The Spirit of Shaolin on Screen
    with Melissa Croteau
    In Robert H. Scott & James McRae (eds.), Introduction to Buddhist East Asia, Suny Press. pp. 255-279. 2023.
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    Du dong Engesi
    Sichuan ren min chu ban she. 2001.
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    Dynamical phenomena in fast sliding nanotube models
    with G. E. Santoro, U. Tartaglino, and E. Tosatti
    Philosophical Magazine 93 (8): 922-948. 2013.
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    Children’s Moral Reasoning: Influence of Culture and Collaborative Discussion
    with Yuan Li, Kim Nguyen-Jahiel, Tzu-Jung Lin, Brian Miller, Richard C. Anderson, and Ting Dong
    Journal of Cognition and Culture 13 (5): 503-522. 2013.
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    Reasoning about Sensing Actions in Domains with Multi-Valued Fluents
    with Tran Cao Son and Phan Huy Tu
    Studia Logica 79 (1): 135-160. 2005.
    In this paper, we discuss the weakness of current action languages for sensing actions with respect to modeling domains with multi-valued fluents. To address this problem, we propose a language with sensing actions and multi-valued fluents, called AMK, provide a transition function based semantics for the language, and demonstrate its use through several examples from the literature. We then define the entailment relationship between action theories and queries in AMK, denoted by ⊧AMK, and discu…Read more
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    Prediction From Minimal Experience: How People Predict the Duration of an Ongoing Epidemic
    with Yi-Long Lu, Yang-Fan Lu, Zhuo Rachel Han, Shaozheng Qin, Li Yi, and Hang Zhang
    Cognitive Science 47 (5). 2023.
    People are known for good predictions in domains they have rich experience with, such as everyday statistics and intuitive physics. But how well can they predict for problems they lack experience with, such as the duration of an ongoing epidemic caused by a new virus? Amid the first wave of COVID-19 in China, we conducted an online diary study, asking each of over 400 participants to predict the remaining duration of the epidemic, once per day for 14 days. Participants’ predictions reflected a r…Read more
  •  14
    Public education in museums has the interdisciplinary nature of STEAM education contemporary learning. In the contemporary learning process of the public, digital museums can rely on mobile terminals to provide people with opportunities for mobile learning. Especially since the global outbreak of COVID-19, many offline museums have been forced to close their doors or impose restrictions. How to use digital museums to better carry out the learning experience of visitors is a problem worthy of att…Read more
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    White LEDs, which have been widely used in the urban street lighting, are increasingly applied to replace traditional HPS lamps with a lower CCT. Generally, studies on the CCT of street lighting focus on providing safe functional lighting for vehicle drivers. However, it is still unknown how the street light color can affect pedestrians’ perception and preferences with respect to lighting levels and ambient temperature.In this study, a wide range of CCTs was measured for urban street lighting in…Read more
  •  13
    An empirical analysis of double reduction education policy based on public psychology
    with Weibin Zhao and Kai Zhou
    Frontiers in Psychology 13. 2022.
    To effectively reduce the homework burden and off-campus training burden of students in the compulsory education stage in China, China adopts the double reduction policy to carry out corresponding governance in the field of education. This study aims to explore the public's psychological cognition of the current education system under the implementation of the double reduction policy. The public's opinion data on education concepts under the implementation of the double reduction policy are coll…Read more
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    Cross-validation and modifications of the perceived mattering questionnaire—Physical education in Chinese inservice physical education teachers
    with Jingwen Liu, Xiaolu Liu, Rulan Shangguan, Xiaofen D. Hamilton, Jianmin Guan, and Dwan Bridges
    Frontiers in Psychology 13. 2022.
    This study aimed to provide evidence of validity and reliability for the Perceived Mattering Questionnaire-Physical Education developed by Richards et al. for the Chinese physical education teachers. The PMQ-PE consisted of two factors with four items in each, measuring four dimensions. PMQ-PE in Chinese was validated among 1,278 elementary and secondary school PE teachers in China, of whom 59.0% were secondary PE teachers and 70.2% were males. Confirmatory factor analysis with the entire sample…Read more
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    People as group members tend to exhibit a partial attitude to either conform to the dominant group view or form beliefs—such as climate change denial and religious belief—based on other ingroup members’ testimony when the evidence for such a belief is insufficient. Philosophers have conceptualized this phenomenon of ingroup attitudes in terms of belief. In this paper, I argue that reliance, a cognitive attitude that is goal-oriented and primarily regulated by pragmatic concerns, is more fitting …Read more
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    Mirror neuron system based therapy for aphasia rehabilitation
    with Wenli Chen, Qian Ye, Xiangtong Ji, Sicong Zhang, Xi Yang, Qiumin Zhou, Fang Cong, Wei Chen, Bing Zhang, Yang Xia, Ti-Fei Yuan, and Chunlei Shan
    Frontiers in Psychology 6. 2015.
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    With the expansion of the digital business line, the network flow behind the digital power grid is also exploding. To prevent network congestion, this article proposes a novel network flow forecasting model, which is composed of variational mode decomposition, GRU-xgboost block, and a forecasting adjustment block, to grasp the changing patterns and trends of network flow in advance, and to formulate reasonable and effective flow management strategies and meet the requirements of users for networ…Read more
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    Corrigendum: Alterations in Neural Networks During Working Memory Encoding Related to Cognitive Impairment in Temporal Lobe Epilepsy
    with Liping Pan, Yakun Wu, Jie Bao, Dandan Guo, Jiajing Wang, Meili Deng, Peiran Yu, Gaoxu Wei, Lulin Zhang, Xiao Qin, and Yijun Song
    Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 16. 2022.
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    Alterations in Neural Networks During Working Memory Encoding Related to Cognitive Impairment in Temporal Lobe Epilepsy
    with Liping Pan, Yakun Wu, Jie Bao, Dandan Guo, Jiajing Wang, Meili Deng, Peiran Yu, Gaoxu Wei, Lulin Zhang, Xiao Qin, and Yijun Song
    Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 15. 2022.
    Objective: The aim of the current study was to investigate the alterations in the neural networks of patients with temporal lobe epilepsy during working memory encoding.Methods: Patients with TLE and healthy volunteers completed a WM task, during which 34-channel electroencephalogram signals were recorded. The neural networks during WM encoding were calculated in TLE patients with and without WM deficits.Results: Functional connectivity strength decreased, and the theta network was altered in th…Read more
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    Distributed Energy Management for Port Power System under False Data Injection Attacks
    with Qihe Shan, Qiongyue Zhang, and Qiuye Sun
    Complexity 2022 1-15. 2022.
    This paper investigates a distributed energy management strategy for the port power system under false data injection attacks. The attacker can tamper with the interaction information of energy equipment, penetrate the boundary between port information system and port power system, and cause serious operation failure of port energy equipment. Firstly, a hierarchical topology is proposed to allocate the security resources of the port power system. Secondly, by reconstructing the topological struc…Read more
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    We Were All Once Young: Reducing Hostile Ageism From Younger Adults' Perspective
    with Zizhuo Chen
    Frontiers in Psychology 13. 2022.
    The worldwide spreading pandemic, COVID-19, has caused hostile ageism toward older adults. We adopted a new intervention to reduce such hostile ageism. “Imagine that they were Young” referred to the imagination of what an older adult might look like, think, and behave when they were once young, which was a reversed but refined intervention of the widely-used method of “Imagine that you were old.” In the present study, intergenerational tension was primed, and then 205 younger adults in China age…Read more
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    What Influences Physicians’ Online Knowledge Sharing? A Stimulus–Response Perspective
    with Xiaojia Dong, Xinxiang Xu, Jiahui Guo, and Feng Guo
    Frontiers in Psychology 12. 2022.
    During the COVID-19 pandemic, online health platforms and physicians’ online knowledge sharing played an important role in public health crisis management and disease prevention. What influences physicians’ online knowledge sharing? From the psychological perspective of stimulus–response, this study aims to explore how patients’ visit and patients’ consultation influence physicians’ online knowledge sharing considering the contingent roles of physicians’ online expertise and online knowledge sha…Read more
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    The high-quality workspace can be used as a physical carrier for design innovation and entrepreneurial organizational culture to continuously change the psychological cognition and behavior of employees in community of practice. The spatial narrative of the culture of design innovation and entrepreneurial organizations means to integrate entrepreneurship and organizational culture into the space through visual presentation. Whether the spatial narrative is successful or not needs to be judged by…Read more