202Символічна логіка: повернення до витоків. Стаття ІІІ. Похідні логістичні категоріїMultiversum. Philosophical Almanac 2 (2): 141-155. 2021.The paper is Part III of the large research, dedicated to both the revision of the system of basic logical categories and the generalization of modern predicate logic to functional logic. We determinate and contrapose modern Fregean logistics and proposed by the author ultra-Fregean logistics, next we describe values and arguments of functions, arguments of relations, relations themselves, sets (classes), and subsets (subclasses) as derivative categories (concepts) of ultrafregean logistics. Log…Read more
25Semantic presuppositions in logical syntaxJournal of Applied Non-Classical Logics 22 (1-2): 29-41. 2012.There are two implicit semantic postulates underlying modern predicate logic. Hence predicate logic is not semantically neutral. The author proposes to take semantically neutral languages, which have no predicate categorial structure but replace the notion of predicate with general notion of function. Some function calculi for different semantics are demonstrated.
10Символічна логіка: повернення до витоків. Стаття ІV. Графіки функцій та відношеньMultiversum. Philosophical Almanac 2 (2): 129-143. 2023.The paper is the Part IV of the large research, dedicated to both revision of the system of basic logical categories and generalization of modern predicate logic to functional logic. The topic of the paper is consideration of graphs of functions and relations as a derivative and definable category of ultra-Fregean logistics. There are two types of function specification: an operational specification, in which a function is first applied to arguments and then the value of the function is entered …Read more
Yaroslav Kokhan
Skovoroda Institute of Philosophy
Skovoroda Institute of PhilosophyRegular Faculty
Areas of Interest
Logic and Philosophy of Logic |
Philosophy of Mathematics |