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    Rekishi to risei to kenpō to
    Keisō Shobō. 2023.
    憲法学の本道を外れ、気の向くまま杣道へ。山を熟知したきこり同様、憲法学者だからこそ発見できる憲法学の新しい景色へ。 勁草書房編集部webサイトでの好評連載エッセイ「憲法学の散歩道」の書籍化第2弾。書下ろし3篇も収録。強烈な世界像、人間像を喚起するボシュエ、ロック、ヘーゲル、ヒューム、トクヴィル、ニーチェ、ヴェイユ、ネイミアらを取り上げ、その思想の深淵をたどり、射程を測定する。さまざまな論者の思想を入り口に憲法学の奥深さへと誘う特異な書。
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    Kenpō no risei =
    Tōkyō Daigaku Shuppankai. 2016.
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    Making We the People (review)
    Asian Journal of Comparative Law 11 (2): 329-333. 2016.
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    The Rule of Law and Its Predicament
    Ratio Juris 17 (4): 489-500. 2004.
    Purpose of this article is to assess the validity of the Razian conception of the rule of law by subjecting it to the acid test of Michel Troper's 'realist theory of interpretation'. The author argues that, in light of the Wittgensteinian view of rule-following, a serious indeterminacy can be seen as inherent in both this conception of the rule of law and Troper's theory of interpretation.
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    This is a collection of essays concerning philosophy and constitutional law. It includes essays on Michel Troper's realist theory of law, Bernard Williams' concept of philosophy as a humanistic discipline, the Dworkinian right answer thesis, etc.