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    Dipole of edge misfit dislocations and critical radius conditions for buried strained cylindrical inhomogeneity
    with Q. H. Fang and P. H. Wen
    Philosophical Magazine 89 (20): 1585-1595. 2009.
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    Atomically resolved precipitates/matrix interfaces in KTaO3crystals
    with Y. B. Xu, Y. L. Tang, X. L. Ma, and Y. L. Zhu
    Philosophical Magazine 96 (5): 486-497. 2016.
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    The interaction between a screw dislocation and an interfacial cruciform crack and collinear linear cracks
    with H. P. Song and Q. H. Fang
    Philosophical Magazine 90 (14): 1969-1983. 2010.
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    Abnormal austenite–ferrite transformation behaviour of pure iron
    with F. Sommer and E. J. Mittemeijer
    Philosophical Magazine 84 (18): 1853-1876. 2004.
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    Copyright © 2015 by ASME.This paper replaces the hinged pivots of an eight-bar linkage with flexure joints in order to achieve a flexure-connected linkage system that guides rectilinear movement of its end-effector. The goal is a linkage design that can be reduced in size to provide a suspension for the proof masses of a MEMS gyroscope. The symmetric design of the linkage and its long travel relative to other MEMS suspensions has the potential to provide a number of advantages, such as the reduc…Read more
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    Trend and change-point analyses of water quality time series data have important implications for pollution control and environmental decision-making. This paper developed a new approach to assess trends and change-points of water quality parameters by integrating locally weighted polynomial regression and segmented regression. Firstly, LWPR was used to pretreat the original water quality data into a smoothed time series to represent the long-term trend of water quality. Then, SegReg was used to…Read more
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    © 2014 Li et al. Aedes albopictus is a very invasive and aggressive insect vector that causes outbreaks of dengue fever, chikungunya disease, and yellow fever in many countries. Vector ecology and disease epidemiology are strongly affected by environmental changes. Urbanization is a worldwide trend and is one of the most ecologically modifying phenomena. The purpose of this study is to determine how environmental changes due to urbanization affect the ecology of Aedes albopictus. Aquatic habitat…Read more
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    Background: Anopheles sinensis is a major malaria vector in China and other Southeast Asian countries, and it is becoming increasingly resistant to the insecticides used for agriculture, net impregnation, and indoor residual spray. Very limited genomic information on this species is available, which has hindered the development of new tools for resistance surveillance and vector control. We used the 454 GS FLX system and generated expressed sequence tag databases of various life stages of An. si…Read more
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    © 2015 by The American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Inc. Plasminogen activator inhibitor 1 level is extremely elevated in the edematous fluid of acutely injured lungs and pleurae. Elevated PAI-1 specifically inactivates pulmonary urokinase-type and tissue-type plasminogen activators. We hypothesized that plasminogen activation and fibrinolysis may alter epithelial sodium channel activity, a key player in clearing edematous fluid. Two-chain urokinase has been found to strongly s…Read more
  • Leslie, AM, 153
    with A. Bisazza, M. M. Botvinick, N. Chomsky, C. DiYanni, L. Feigenson, W. T. Fitch, J. I. Flombaum, U. Hahn, and M. D. Hauser
    Cognition 97 337. 2005.