54The moral parody argument against panpsychismPhilosophical Studies 179 (6): 1821-1852. 2021.I exploit parallel considerations in the philosophy of mind and metaethics to argue that the reasoning employed in an important argument for panpsychism overgeneralizes to support an analogous position in metaethics: panmoralism. Next, I raise a number of problems for panmoralism and thereby build a case for taking the metaethical parallel to be a reductio ad absurdum of the argument for panpsychism. Finally, I contrast panmoralism with a position recently defended by Einar Duenger Bohn and argu…Read more
481The Moral Parody Argument Against PanpsychismPhilosophical Studies 179 (1). 2022.I exploit parallel considerations in the philosophy of mind and metaethics to argue that the reasoning employed in an important argument for panpsychism overgeneralizes to support an analogous position in metaethics: panmoralism. Next, I raise a number of problems for panmoralism and thereby build a case for taking the metaethical parallel to be a reductio ad absurdum of the argument for panpsychism. Finally, I contrast panmoralism with a position recently defended by Einar Duenger Bohn and argu…Read more
Austin, Texas, United States of America
Areas of Specialization
Philosophy of Mind |
Metaphysics |
Formulating Physicalism |
Grounding |
Dualism about Consciousness |