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Philosophy of Physical Science
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UCLAPhilosophy of Chemistry, Chemical Atomism, Chemical Bonding, Chemical Explanation, Chemical Elements…more -
Metaphysics and Epistemology, Science, Logic, and Mathematics -
Metaphysics, Probabilities in Quantum Mechanics, Measurement Problem, Everett Interpretation, Collap…more -
Michael Redhead (1929 - 2020) -
Modality, Objects, Ontology, Realism and Anti-Realism, Time, Philosophy of Chemistry, Logic and Phil…more -
Space and Time, Quantum Gravity, String Theory, Quantum Mechanics, Philosophy of Cosmology, Gauge Th…more -
Philosophy of Physical Science, Science, Logic, and Mathematics, Other Academic Areas, Metaphysics a…more -
University of BergamoHistory of Quantum Mechanics, Mathematical Structure of Quantum Mechanics, Space and Time, Particle …more -
Metaphysics and Epistemology, Philosophy, Misc, Value Theory, Science, Logic, and Mathematics, Other…more -
Philosophy of Physical Science, General Philosophy of Science, Metaphysics and Epistemology -
General Philosophy of Science, Philosophy of Physical Science, Epistemology -
Mario Bunge (1919 - 2020) -
Philosophy of Physics, Miscellaneous, Philosophy of Physics, General Works, General Philosophy of Sc…more -
Metaphysics of Spacetime, Relationism about Spacetime, Substantivalism about Spacetime, Philosophy o…more