Professional philosophers on PhilPeople
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Philosophical Traditions, Metaphysics and Epistemology, Other Academic Areas -
Other Areas of Linguistics, Pragmatics, Sociolinguistics, Psycholinguistics, Natural Language Proces…more -
Metaphysics and Epistemology, Philosophy of Language, Feminist Philosophy of Language, Philosophy of…more -
Hassan 2 UniversityPhilosophical Traditions, Metaphysics and Epistemology, Other Academic Areas -
Vedic Philosophy, Indian Aesthetics, Vaisnavite, Indian Philosophy, Philosophical Traditions -
Metaphysics, Feminist Philosophy, Philosophy of Gender, Race, and Sexuality, Social Ontology, Social…more -
THE ACADEMY OF ADVANCE SCIENCE AND THE TECHNOLOGICAL SCIENCESPhilosophy of Physical Science, Philosophy of Computing and Information, Philosophy of Mathematics, …more -
Shahid Beheshti UniversityMetaphysics, Metaphilosophy, Philosophy of Science, Misc, Science, Logic, and Mathematics, Philosoph…more -
Philosophy of Biology, General Philosophy of Science, Evolutionary Biology, Evolution of Cognition -
Hebrew Union CollegePhilosophical Traditions, History of Western Philosophy, Other Academic Areas -
Continental Philosophy, Applied Ethics, Metaphysics, Metaphilosophy -
North Central College20th Century Continental Philosophy, Social and Political Philosophy -
Science, Logic, and Mathematics, Philosophy, Misc -
Metaphysics and Epistemology, Filipino Philosophy, Experimental Philosophy: Bioethics -
Anthropology, Philosophy of Religion, Metaphysics, Ontology, Religion and Society, Other Academic Ar…more -