•  10
    ‘Portraying’ a Proposition 1
    Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 63 (1): 137-161. 2001.
    Hector‐Neri Castaüeda claimed in several papers that a proposition expressed by an indexical sentence (in a context of utterance) can be re‐expressed by means of an oratio obliqua clause (in a sentential context) that contains a quasi‐indicator. Robert M. Adams and Rogers Albritton have presented a counter‐argument that is accepted by Castaüeda himself. I will argue that the Adams/Albritton argument is not convincing: The argument uses several assumptions which could be disputed. The paper tries…Read more
  •  33
    Bolzano on conceptual and intuitive truth: the point and purpose of the distinction
    Canadian Journal of Philosophy 43 (1): 13-36. 2013.
    Bolzano incorporated Kant's distinction between intuitions and concepts into the doctrine of propositions by distinguishing between conceptual (Begriffssätze an sich) and intuitive propositions (Anschauungssätze an sich). An intuitive proposition contains at least one objective intuition, that is, a simple idea that represents exactly one object; a conceptual proposition contains no objective intuition. After Bolzano, philosophers dispensed with the distinction between conceptual and intuitive p…Read more
  •  3
    Knowledge, Possibility and Consciousness (review)
    Philosophy 77 (3): 454-471. 2002.
  • Ontologie Und Semantik (edited book)
    with M. Siebel
    Ontos Verlag. 2004.
  •  67
  •  57
    Unity without self: Brentano on the unity of consciousness
    In Denis Fisette & Guillaume Fréchette (eds.), Themes from Brentano, Editions Rodopi. pp. 44--67. 2013.
  •  41
    Frege on Conceptual and Propositional Analysis
    Grazer Philosophische Studien 81 (1): 235-257. 2010.
    In his Foundations of Arithmetic, Frege aims to extend our a priori arithmetical knowledge by answering the question what a natural number is. He rejects conceptual analysis as a method to acquire a priori knowledge . Later he unsuccessfully tried to solve the problems that beset conceptual analysis . If these problems remain unsolved, which rational method can he use to extend our a priori knowledge about numbers? I will argue that his fundamental arithmetical insight that numbers belong to con…Read more
  •  206
    States of affairs
    Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. forthcoming.
  •  35
    Devitt on the Epistemic Authority of Linguistic Intuitions
    Erkenntnis 71 (3): 395-405. 2009.
    Michael Devitt has argued that a satisfactory explanation of the authority of linguistic intuitions need not assume that they are derived from tacit knowledge of principles of grammar. Devitt’s Modest Explanation is based on a controversial construal of linguistic intuitions as meta-linguistic central-processor judgements. I will argue that there are non-judgemental responses to linguistic strings, linguistic seemings, which are evidence for linguistic theories. Devitt cannot account for their e…Read more
  • Brentano on the Doxastic Nature of Perceptual Experience
    History of Philosophy & Logical Analysis 10. 2007.
    Brentano, the founder of phenomenology, argues in his manuscript “Von der Natur der Vorstellungen” that perception involves the belief in the object presented. The argument from revealed perceptual illusions argues that a perceptual experience can rationally persist even if one knows that it represents the world incorrectly, while the corresponding belief cannot rationally persist in this situation. For this reason, perceptual experiences cannot be beliefs or intrinsically connected to them. Bre…Read more
  •  5
    Objektive Apriorität
    Philosophia Scientiae 1 (3): 119-133. 1996.
  •  189
    A repair of Frege’s theory of thoughts
    Synthese 167 (1). 2009.
    Frege’s writings contain arguments for the thesis (i) that a thought expressed by a sentence S is a structured object whose composition pictures the composition of S, and for the thesis (ii) that a thought is an unstructured object. I will argue that Frege’s reasons for both (i) and (ii) are strong. Frege’s explanation of the difference in sense between logically equivalent sentences rests on assumption (i), while Frege’s claim that the same thought can be decomposed differently makes (ii) plaus…Read more
  •  74
    Self-representational theories of consciousness hold that a mental phenomenon is conscious if, and only if, it presents, among other things, itself. But in conscious perception one may lose oneself in the object perceived and not be aware of one’s perceiving. The paper develops a Brentano-inspired response to this objection. He follows Aristotle in holding that one is aware of one’s perceiving only ‘on the side’: when one perceives something one’s perception neither is nor can become observation…Read more
  •  8
    Perspectives on Perception (edited book)
    with Mary Margaret McCabe
    De Gruyter. 2007.
    Perception and its puzzles have given rise to philosophical reflection from antiquity to recent times: What do we perceive? How do we talk about what we perceive? What is the nature of our subjective experience? How can we talk about our subjective experience? In this book a distinguished group of philosophers addresses questions like these by drawing on historical and contemporary sources, illuminating the intersections between historical and contemporary philosophical discussion. They ask abou…Read more
  •  169
    Does the English demonstrative pronoun 'that' (including complex demonstratives of the form 'that F') have sense and reference? Unlike many other philosophers of language, Frege answers with a resounding 'No'. He held that the bearer of sense and reference is a so-called 'hybrid proper name' (Künne) that contains the demonstrative pronoun and specific circumstances of utterance such as glances and acts of pointing. In this paper I provide arguments for the thesis that demonstratives are hybrid p…Read more
  •  94
    Truth via Sentential Quantification
    Dialogue 44 (3): 539-550. 2005.
    This paper is a critical evaluation of Kuenne's attempt to define truth via quantification into the position of a sentence
  • Rigidity versus De Jure Rigidity
    Teorema: International Journal of Philosophy 17 (1). 1998.
  •  22
    Cambridge Companion to Frege
    British Journal for the History of Philosophy 21 (1): 189-200. 2013.
    British Journal for the History of Philosophy, Volume 21, Issue 1, Page 189-200, January 2013
  •  798
    Proper Names and Practices: On Reference without Referents
    Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 81 (1): 105-118. 2010.
    This is review essay of Mark Sainsbury's Reference without Referents. Its main part is a critical discussion of Sainsbury's proposal for the individuation of proper name using practices.
  •  5020
    Consider a perceptual activity such as seeing a colour, hearing a tone, tasting a flavour. How are these activities related to one’s awareness of them? I will use Brentano’s struggle with this question to guide the reader through the development of his view on consciousness. My starting point will be Brentano’s book Die Psychologie des Aristoteles (Brentano 1867), in which he developed an inner sense view of consciousness (§§1-2). Brentano’s early view is underexplored in the literature, but cru…Read more
  •  16
    Knowledge Transmission and Linguistic Sense
    Theoria: Revista de Teoría, Historia y Fundamentos de la Ciencia 15 (2): 287-302. 2000.
    Michael Dummett holds that the sense of a natural language proper name is part of its linguistic meaning. I argue that this view sits uncomfortably with Frege's observation that the sense of a natural language proper name varies from speaker to speaker. Moreover, the thesis under discussion is not supported by Frege's views on communication. Recently Richard Heck has tried to develop an argument which is intended to show that assertoric communication with sentences containing proper names is onl…Read more
  •  11
    Semantik Und Ontologie: Beiträge Zur Philosophischen Forschung (edited book)
    Frankfurt: Ontos Verlag. 2004.
    Der zweite Band der Reihe Philosophische Forschung spannt zwei Kerngebiete der Analytischen Philosophie zusammen: die Semantik und die Ontologie. Was sind die Grundbausteine unserer Ontologie? Wie beziehen wir uns sprachlich bzw. geistig auf sie? Diese und weitere Fragen werden von international renommierten Philosophen aus historischer und systematischer Perspektivediskutiert. Die Beiträge sind in Deutsch und English verfasst. Sie stammen von Christian Beyer, Johannes Brandl, Dagfinn Føllesdal,…Read more
  •  134
    Vacuous Names in Early Analytic Philosophy: Frege, Russell, and Moore
    Philosophy Compass 11 (6): 316-326. 2016.
    Empty proper names give rise to intriguing questions. Frege, Moore and Russell stand at the beginning of analytic philosophy's engagement with these questions. In this paper I will therefore introduce and assess their views on the topic of empty names and draw connections to recent work.
  •  3
    Papers on Time and Tense (review)
    Philosophy 82 (320): 361-365. 2007.
  •  210
    Frege on Judging as Acknowledging the Truth
    Mind 119 (475): 615-655. 2010.
    According to Frege, judgement is the ‘logically primitive activity’. So what is judgement? In his mature work, he characterizes judging as ‘acknowledging the truth’ (‘Anerkennen der Wahrheit’). Frege’s remarks about judging as acknowledging the truth of a thought require further elaboration and development. I will argue that the development that best suits his argumentative purposes takes acknowledging the truth of a thought to be a non-propositional attitude like seeing an object; it is a menta…Read more
  •  74
    Towards a Neo-Brentanian Theory of Existence
    Philosophers' Imprint 17 1-20. 2017.
    The paper presents an account of the concept of existence that is based on Brentano’s work. In contrast to Frege and Russell, Brentano took ‘exists’ to express a that subsumes objects and explained it with recourse to the non-propositional attitude of acknowledgment. I argue that the core of Brentano’s view can be developed to a defensible alternative to the Frege-Russell view of existence.