• Anders Wedberg, "A History of Philosophy" (review)
    Rivista di Storia Della Filosofia 40 (4): 815. 1985.
  • Sulle motivazioni ideologiche nella biologia antica
    Rivista di Storia Della Filosofia 35 (4): 381. 1980.
  • O. HOEFFE, "Praktische Philosophie. Das Modell des Aristoteles" (review)
    Rivista di Filosofia Neo-Scolastica 65 (n/a): 180. 1973.
  • La materia in Aristotele
    Rivista di Storia Della Filosofia 28 (3): 243. 1973.
    The paper offers a critical discussion of H. Happ's wide-ranging book entitled "Hyle. Studien zum aristotelischen Materiebegriff", Berlin 1971. While recognizing the importance of this contribution to Aristotelian scholarship I express some revervations to the approach adopted, which tends to make of Aristotle a continuator of the so-called unwritten doctrines by Plato.
  • I Presocratici
    Il Mulino. 1982.
    The book includes a collection, in Italian translation, of essays on Presocratic philosophy by Cherniss, Cornford, Vlastos, Kahn, Verdenius, Owen and others, with a long introduction of mine which, in addition to presenting the papers, tries to give an idea of the main problems of interpretation raised by the fragments and testimonies we have about the Presocratics.
  • Una storia della filosofia greca per diletto
    Rivista di Storia Della Filosofia 39 (4): 721-724. 1984.
    A review of L. De Crescenzo's book entitled I presocratici, first volume of a history of Greek philosophy which is meant to be popular and amusing but betrays much superficiality in the approach.
  •  122
    I provide a survey of the contents of the works belonging to Aristotle's Organon in order to define their nature, in the light of his declared intentions and of other indications (mainly internal ones) about his purposes. No unifying conception of logic can be found in them, such as the traditional one, suggested by the very title Organon, of logic as a methodology of demonstration. Logic for him can also be formal logic (represented in the main by the De Interpretatione), axiomatized syllogisti…Read more
  • Philip Merlan e la metafisica aristotelica
    Rivista di Storia Della Filosofia 25 (1): 3. 1970.
    The paper offers a discussion of Philip Merlan's contributions (in "From Platonism to Neoplatonism, The Hague 1960, e in some papers of his, now included in his "Kleine Philosophische Schriften", Hildesheim 1976) to the understanding of Aristotle's metaphysics, with particular reference to the science of being qua being.
  • La scienza greca di Von Fritz
    Rivista di Storia Della Filosofia 44 (1): 69-86. 1989.
    The paper was originally intended to serve as an introduction to the Italian translation of Kurt von Fritz's "Grundprobleme der antiken Wissenschaft, Berlin, 1971, pointing out the merits but also certain limitations of the book. (Because it appeared too critical it was not accepted by the italian publisher Il Mulino.)
  • L'aristotele di Düring
    Rivista di Storia Della Filosofia 39 (1): 3. 1984.
    The paper is a long, detailed, critical presentation of Ingemar Duering's Aristoteles. Darstellung und Interpretation seines Denkens, Heidelberg 1966, on the occasion of the publication of the Italian translation (by P.L. Donini, Milano 1976) of the same.