• Cosmopolitan Republicanism and the Rule of Law
    In Samantha Besson & José Luis Martí (eds.), Legal Republicanism: National and International Perspectives, Oxford University Press. 2009.
  •  31
    The Globalization of the Public Sphere
    Modern Schoolman 75 (2): 101-117. 1998.
  •  94
    Is Hegel a Republican? Pippin, Recognition, and Domination in the Philosophy of Right
    Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy 53 (5): 435-449. 2010.
    Robert Pippin's masterful account of rational agency in Hegel emphasizes important dimensions of freedom and independence, where putative independence is always bound up with a profound dependence on others. This insistence on the complex relationships between freedom, dependence and independence raise an important question that Pippin does not consider: is Hegel a republican? This is especially significant given the fact that modern republicanism has explored this same conceptual terrain. I arg…Read more
  •  99
    Reflexive public deliberation: Democracy and the limits of pluralism
    Philosophy and Social Criticism 29 (1): 85-105. 2003.
    Deliberative democracy defends an ideal of equality as political efficacy. Jorge Valadez offers a defense of such an ideal given cultural pluralism of ethnopolitical groups. He develops an epistemological account of the fact of pluralism as entailing incommensurable conceptual frameworks. While his account goes a long way towards identifying the problems with neutrality and many other liberal solutions to the problem of pluralism, it is still too liberal in certain ways. First, he draws the limi…Read more
  •  20
    Go Tell It on the Mountain (review)
    Philosophy of the Social Sciences 44 (2): 233-251. 2014.
    Derek Parfit’s long-awaited work On What Matters is a very ambitious, very strange production seeking to defend both a nonreductive and nonnaturalistic but nonmetaphysical and nonontological form of cognitive intuitionism or rationalism and an ethical theory (the Triple Theory) reflecting the convergence of Kantian universalizability, Scanlonian contractualism, and rule utilitarianism. Critics have already countered that Parfit’s metaethics is unbelievable and his convergence thesis unconvincing…Read more
  •  173
    Domination, Epistemic Injustice and Republican Epistemology
    Social Epistemology 26 (2): 175-187. 2012.
    With her conception of epistemic injustice, Miranda Fricker has opened up new normative dimensions for epistemology; that is, the injustice of denying one?s status as a knower. While her analysis of the remedies for such injustices focuses on the epistemic virtues of agents, I argue for the normative superiority of adapting a broadly republican conception of epistemic injustice. This argument for a republican epistemology has three steps. First, I focus on methodological and explanatory issues o…Read more
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    Living without Freedom
    Political Theory 37 (4): 539-561. 2009.
    For Kant and many modern cosmopolitans, establishing the rule of law provides the chief mechanism for achieving a just global order. Yet, as Hart and Rawls have argued, the rule of law, as it is commonly understood, is quite consistent with "great iniquities." This criticism does not apply to a sufficiently robust, republican conception of the rule of law, which attributes a basic legal status to all persons. Accordingly, the pervasiveness of dominated persons without legal status is a a fundame…Read more
  •  1
    Transnational democracy and nondomination
    In Cécile Laborde & John W. Maynor (eds.), Republicanism and Political Theory, Wiley-blackwell. pp. 190--216. 2008.
  •  35
    A new phenomenological marxism (review)
    Human Studies 13 (2): 163-172. 1990.
  •  16
    Is “Aesthetics” Art Studies? (review)
    Philosophy of the Social Sciences 44 (2): 223-232. 2014.
    I provide a context for Agassi’s and Jarvie’s discussion of Aesthetics to show how their theory involves a turn to Art Studies. This turn provides a new and interesting focus in Aesthetics that revitalizes traditional aesthetics as the search for values in art. This turn also breaks the illusion of depth and progress in contemporary aesthetics by raising so far unasked critical questions in Aesthetics concerning the social demands placed on artists and the institutions of art.
  •  81
    From Demos to Demoi: Democracy across Borders
    Ratio Juris 18 (3): 293-314. 2005.
    . The paper discusses a needed double transformation of democracy, of its institutional form and its normative ideal, in three steps. First, the Author takes for granted that the empirical fact of the increasing scope and intensity of global interaction and interdependence are not sufficient to decide the issue between gradualists and transformationalists. Indeed, gradualists and transformationalists share an underlying conception that leads to a particular emphasis in modern theories on legal i…Read more
  •  159
    Republican cosmopolitanism
    Journal of Political Philosophy 12 (3). 2004.
  •  443
    The place of self-interest and the role of power in deliberative democracy
    with Jane Mansbridge, Simone Chambers, David Estlund, Andreas Føllesdal, Archon Fung, Cristina Lafont, Bernard Manin, and José Luis Martí
    Journal of Political Philosophy 18 (1): 64-100. 2009.
    No Abstract
  •  69
    Democratic Experimentalism
    Social Philosophy Today 29 7-20. 2013.
    As developed by Sabel, Dorf and Cohen, and John Dewey before them, democratic experimentalism is based on the premise that current democratic practices are no longer able to deal with central and pressing social and political problems. Beginning with the criticism of democracy as command and control, Dorf and Sabel show how current democratic practices are part of the problem rather than the solution. Even as democratic experimentalists have successfully explored democracy beyond the state in th…Read more
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    Bohman develops a realistic model of deliberation by gradually introducing and analyzing the major tests facing deliberative democracy: cultural pluralism, social inequalities, social complexity, and community-wide biases and ideologies.
  •  9
    Reply to critics
    with Jeffrey Flynn, Dominique Leydet, Max Pensky, and Hauke Brunkhorst
    Philosophy and Social Criticism 32 (7): 825-838. 2006.
  •  45
    Cosmopolitan Republicanism
    The Monist 84 (1): 3-21. 2001.
    Cosmopolitanism and republicanism are both inherently political ideals. In most discussions, they are taken to have contrasting, if not conflicting, normative aspirations. Cosmopolitanism is “thin” and abstractly universal, unable to articulate the basis for a “thick” citizenship in a republican political community. This commonly accepted way of dividing up the conceptual and political terrain is, however, increasingly misleading in the age of the global transformation of political authority. Ra…Read more
  •  129
    Theories, practices, and pluralism: A pragmatic interpretation of critical social science
    Philosophy of the Social Sciences 29 (4): 459-480. 1999.
    A hallmark of recent critical social science has been the commitment to methodological and theoretical pluralism. Habermas and others have argued that diverse theoretical and empirical approaches are needed to support informed social criticism. However, an unresolved tension remains in the epistemology of critical social science: the tension between the epistemic advantages of a single comprehensive theoretical framework and those of methodological and theoretical pluralism. By shifting the grou…Read more
  • Call for Papers
    Philosophy of the Social Sciences 43 (1): 121-122. 2013.
  •  157
    Intelligibility, rationality and comparison: The rationality debates revisited
    with Terrence Kelly
    Philosophy and Social Criticism 22 (1): 81-100. 1996.