•  12
    Jean‐Luc Godard's Film Socialisme and the Pedagogy of the Image
    Educational Philosophy and Theory 44 (7): 681-685. 2012.
  • Editorial
    Educational Philosophy and Theory 36 (1): 1-2. 2004.
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    Academic Writing, Genres and Philosophy
    Educational Philosophy and Theory 40 (7): 819-831. 2008.
    This paper examines the underlying genres of philosophy focusing especially on their pedagogical forms to emphasize the materiality and historicity of genres, texts and writing. It focuses briefly on the history of the essay and its relation to the journal within the wider history of scientific communication, and comments on the standardized forms of academic writing and the issue of ‘bad writing’.
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    Educational Philosophy and Theory 39 (1): 1-2. 2007.
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    Special issue—Philosophy of Science Education
    Educational Philosophy and Theory 38 (5): 579-584. 2006.
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    Kinds of Thinking, Styles of Reasoning
    Educational Philosophy and Theory 39 (4): 350-363. 2007.
    There is no more central issue to education than thinking and reasoning. Certainly, such an emphasis chimes with the rationalist and cognitive deep structure of the Western educational tradition. The contemporary tendency reinforced by cognitive science is to treat thinking ahistorically and aculturally as though physiology, brain structure and human evolution are all there is to say about thinking that is worthwhile or educationally significant. The movement of critical thinking also tends to t…Read more
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    Critical Race Matters
    Educational Philosophy and Theory 36 (2): 113-115. 2004.
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    Wittgenstein as Exile: A philosophical topography
    Educational Philosophy and Theory 40 (5): 591-605. 2008.
    This paper argues that Wittgenstein considered himself an exile and indeed was a self‐imposed exile from his native Vienna; that this condition of exile is important for understanding Wittgenstein the man and his philosophy; and that exile as a condition has become both a central characteristic condition of late modernity (as much as alienation was for the era of industrial capitalism) and emblematic of literary modernism. The paper employs the notion of ‘exhilic thought’ as a central trope for …Read more
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    Je m'excuse, Monsieur Lyotard: Response to Clark
    Educational Philosophy and Theory 38 (3): 407-410. 2006.
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    Educational Philosophy and Theory 38 (1): 1-2. 2006.
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    Aborigine, Indian, indigenous or first nations?
    with Carl T. Mika
    Educational Philosophy and Theory 49 (13): 1229-1234. 2017.
  • Education and Philosophies of Engagement (edited book)
    with Belsey Tina
    PESA. 2014.
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    This first volume focuses on a collection of texts from the latter twenty years of Educational Philosophy and Theory, selected for their critical status as turning points or important awakenings in post-structural theory. In the last twenty years, the applications of the postmodern and poststructuralist perspectives have become less mono-focused, less narrowly concerned with technical questions and also less interested in epistemology, and more interested in ethics. This book covers questions of…Read more
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    This collection of essays focuses on the work of James D. Marshall, who has been active in the philosophy of education for three decades. Deals with Marshall’s long-standing criticism of the public education system in New Zealand Discusses his work considering the relevance of Wittgenstein and Foucault for philosophy of education. Features tributes to Marshall in the form of interviews and testimonials. Contains remarks from Marshall himself in response to the commentaries of his colleagues
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    Academic Writing, Philosophy and Genre (edited book)
    Wiley-Blackwell. 2009.
    This book investigates how philosophical texts display a variety of literary forms and explores philosophical writing and the relation of philosophy to literature and reading. Discusses the many different philosophical genres that have developed, among them letters, the treatise, the confession, the meditation, the allegory, the essay, the soliloquy, the symposium, the consolation, the commentary, the disputation, and the dialogue Shows how these forms of philosophy have conditioned and become t…Read more
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    Leo Strauss, Education, and Political Thought (edited book)
    with Justin G. York
    Fairleigh Dickinson University Press. 2011.
    This collection by some of the leading scholars of Strauss's work is the first devoted to Strauss's thought regarding education. It seeks to address his conception of education as it applies to a range of his most important concepts, such as his views on the importance of revelation, his critique of modern democracy and the importance of modern classical education.
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    Jacques Derrida is perhaps the foremost philosopher of the humanities and of its place in the university. Over the long period of his career he has been concerned with the fate, status, place and contribution of the humanities. Through his deconstructive readings and writings he has done much not only to reinvent the western tradition by attending closely to those texts which constitute it but also he has redefined its procedures and protocols. This paper first introduces the notion of postmoder…Read more
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    Richard Rorty: Education, Philosophy, and Politics
    with Paulo Ghiraldelli, Steven Best, Ramin Farahmandpur, Jim Garrison, Douglas Kellner, James D. Marshall, Peter McLaren, Michael Peters, Björn Ramberg, Alberto Tosi Rodrigues, Juha Suoranta, and Kenneth Wain
    Rowman & Littlefield Publishers. 2001.
    This distinctive collection by scholars from around the world focuses upon the cultural, educational, and political significance of Richard Rorty's thought. The nine essays which comprise the collection examine a variety of related themes: Rorty's neopragmatism, his view of philosophy, his philosophy of education and culture, Rorty's comparison between Dewey and Foucault, his relation to postmodern theory, and, also his form of political liberalism
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    Heidegger, Education, and Modernity
    with Valerie Allen, Ares D. Axiotis, Michael Bonnett, David E. Cooper, Patrick Fitzsimons, Ilan Gur-Ze'ev, Padraig Hogan, F. Ruth Irwin, Bert Lambeir, Paul Smeyers, Paul Standish, and Iain Thomson
    Rowman & Littlefield Publishers. 2002.
    Martin Heidegger is, perhaps, the most controversial philosopher of the twentieth-century. Little has been written on him or about his work and its significance for educational thought. This unique collection by a group of international scholars reexamines Heidegger's work and its legacy for educational thought
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    Lyotard, nihilism and education
    Studies in Philosophy and Education 25 (4): 303-314. 2006.
    This paper argues the Lyotard's The Postmodern Condition is to be interpreted as a response to nihilism, especially in relation to the question of the legitimation of knowledge and the so-called crisis of narratives, and that, therefore, it provides an appropriate response to the question of nihilism in educational philosophy. The paper begins with a discussion of Nietzsche's and Heidegger's views of nihilism as a prolegomenon to Lyotard's views concerning European nihilism and the end of grand …Read more
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    The Development and Trials of a Decision-Making Model
    with Robert Keith Shaw and James D. Marshall
    Evaluation Review, 10 (1): 5-27. 1986.
    We describe an evaluation undertaken on contract for the New Zealand State Services Commission of a major project (the Administrative Decision-Making Skills Project) designed to produce a model of administrative decision making and an associated teaching/learning packagefor use by government officers. It describes the evaluation of a philosophical model of decision making and the associated teaching/learning package in the setting of the New Zealand Public Service, where a deliberate attempt has…Read more
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    With an up-to-date synopsis, review, and critique of his writings, this book demonstrates Derrida's almost singular power to reconceptualize and reimagine the ...