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    The aesthetics of collective writing: A Chinese/Western collective essay
    with Petar Jandrić, Ruyu Hung, Marek Tesar, Huajun Zhang, and Chengbing Wang
    Educational Philosophy and Theory 55 (8): 888-896. 2023.
    Michael A. PetersBeijing Normal UniversityThe ancient concept of ‘self-cultivation’ with its roots in Confucianism and Hellenistic philosophy can also be utilised as tool for understanding the prac...
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    Biodigital philosophy, supercomputing and technological convergence in the Quantum Age
    Educational Philosophy and Theory 55 (14): 1628-1641. 2023.
    In the first phase, information technology revolutionizes biology. In the next phase, biology will revolutionize information technology. And that will totally, once again, revolutionize economies....
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    Cultural Apocalypse, Western colonial domination and ‘ the end of the world’
    with Chengbing Wang, Carl Mika, and Steve Fuller
    Educational Philosophy and Theory 55 (14): 1617-1627. 2023.
    What I relate is the history of the next two centuries. I describe what is coming, what can no longer come differently: the advent of nihilism. This history can be related even now; for necessity i...
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    Educational philosophy and post-apocalyptic survival
    Educational Philosophy and Theory 55 (10): 1065-1068. 2023.
    The world faces a triple apocalypse: the Russian invasion of Ukraine, the huge unnecessary loss of life and the disastrous prospect of a limited ‘tactical’ nuclear war; the Covid pandemic that has...
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    Philosophy of Education in a New Key: Who Remembers Greta Thunberg? Education and Environment after the Coronavirus
    with Petar Jandrić, Jimmy Jaldemark, Zoe Hurley, Brendan Bartram, Adam Matthews, Michael Jopling, Julia Mañero, Alison MacKenzie, Jones Irwin, Ninette Rothmüller, Benjamin Green, Shane J. Ralston, Olli Pyyhtinen, Sarah Hayes, Jake Wright, and Marek Tesar
    Educational Philosophy and Theory 53 (14): 1421-1441. 2021.
    This paper explores relationships between environment and education after the Covid-19 pandemic through the lens of philosophy of education in a new key developed by Michael Peters and the Philosophy of Education Society of Australasia. The paper is collectively written by 15 authors who responded to the question: Who remembers Greta Thunberg? Their answers are classified into four main themes and corresponding sections. The first section, ‘As we bake the earth, let's try and bake it from scratc…Read more
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    New age spiritualism, mysticism, and far-right conspiracy
    Educational Philosophy and Theory 55 (14): 1608-1616. 2023.
    When the moon is in the Seventh HouseAnd Jupiter aligns with MarsThen peace will guide the planetsAnd love will steer the starsThis is the dawning of the age of Aquarius–‘The Age of Aquarius’, 5th...
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    Why I am not a Deweyean
    Educational Philosophy and Theory 54 (5): 439-442. 2022.
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    This multi-authored collection covers the methodology and philosophy of collective writing. It is based on a series of articles written by the authors in Educational Philosophy and Theory, Open Review of Educational Research and Knowledge Cultures to explore the concept of collective writing. This tenth volume in the Editor's Choice series provides insights into the philosophy of academic writing and peer review, peer production, collective intelligence, knowledge socialism, openness, open scien…Read more
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    "This book is a collection of essays motivated by a 'cultural' reading of Wittgenstein. It includes some new essays and some that were originally published in Educational Philosophy and Theory. It includes a distinctive view on the ethics of reading Wittgenstein and the ethics of suicide that shaped him. It also examines the reception and engagement with Wittgenstein's work in French philosophy with a chapter on post-analytic philosophy of education as a choice between Richard Rorty and Jean-Fra…Read more
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    Showing and Doing: Wittgenstein as a Pedagogical Philosopher
    with Nicholas C. Burbules
    Routledge. 2008.
    Three prominent Wittgenstein scholars introduce the broad educational significance of Ludwig Wittgenstein’s work to a wider audience of educational researchers and practitioners through provocative, innovative, and playful readings of his work. They vividly demonstrate the influence of his thinking and its centrality to understanding our contemporary condition. Wittgenstein fundamentally shaped contemporary theories of language, representation, cognition, and learning. The book also traces the “…Read more
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    A tribute to Kevin Harris, philosopher of education
    with Michael R. Matthews, Eileen Baldry, Patricia White, Dave Hill, David Aspin, Bruce Haynes, John White, Colin Lankshear, and Hugh Lauder
    Educational Philosophy and Theory 56 (7): 626-636. 2024.
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    The religious and spiritual aspects of Wittgenstein, his understanding of ‘das mystiche’ and his philosophy understood against the background of German mysticism has been commented on by authors to...
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    Wittgenstein, Nāgārjuna and relational quantum mechanics
    Educational Philosophy and Theory 54 (12): 1942-1951. 2022.
    My propositions serve as elucidations in this way: he who understands me eventually recognises them as nonsensical, when he has used them – as steps – to climb up over them. (He must, so to speak,...
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    China’s rise, the Asian century and the clash of meta-civilizations
    with Benjamin Green and Steve Fuller
    Educational Philosophy and Theory 55 (6): 674-684. 2023.
    Michael A. Peters Beijing Normal UniversityDeclinism is back in fashion again. It is now a common and persistent source of historical reflection that has been a constant theme since the first Chris...
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    Philosophers and professors behaving badly: Responses to ‘named or nameless’ by Besley, Jackson & Peters. An EPAT collective writing project
    with Tina Besley, Liz Jackson, Nesta Devine, Cris Mayo, Georgina Tuari Stewart, E. Jayne White, Barbara Stengel, Gina A. Opiniano, Sean Sturm, Catherine Legg, Marek Tesar, and Sonja Arndt
    Educational Philosophy and Theory 55 (3): 272-284. 2023.
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    On the public pedagogy of conspiracy: An EPAT collective project
    with Nesta Devine, Peter Roberts, Sean Sturm, Sharon Rider, Andrew Gibbons, Fazal Rizvi, and James Dunagan
    Educational Philosophy and Theory 54 (14): 2409-2421. 2022.
    What is it about conspiracies that make them so attractive and easy to believe yet difficult to debunk? Is the epistemological process of debunking the best or only pedagogy for dislodging conspiracies? Are all conspiracies irrational and/or unverifiable? To what extent, if at all, do today’s social media conspiracies differ from conspiracies in the past?
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    &ltI>The Last Book of Postmodernism comprises set of essays written on and about 'postmodernism' and education. It is written in an apocalyptic tone that treats themes of religion and spiritualism, drawing on poststructuralist sources of inspiration, to contrast the present 'postmodern condition' and the philosophical significance and historical influence of Nietzsche's statement 'God is dead.' The book considers the meaning of the 'end' of Christendom and the prospect of global spirituality. It…Read more
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    This paper discusses the notion of ecopoetics in relation to the work of Martin Heidegger and his concept of dwelling. Our aim, broadly stated, is to respond to the question: "What frame of mind could bring about sustainability - and how might we develop it?" In the first part of the paper, we comment on Jonathan Bate's notion of ecopoetics and his discussion of Heidegger. Crucial here is the question of whether we can ever approach Nature in an non-ideological way or are all attempts to capture…Read more
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    Deconstructing Derrida: tasks for the new humanities (edited book)
    with Peter Pericles Trifonas
    Palgrave-Macmillan. 2005.
    Responding to Jacques Derrida's vision for what a "new" humanities should strive toward, Peter Trifonas and Michael Peters gather together in a single volume original essays by major scholars in the humanities today. Using Derrida's seven programmatic theses as a springboard, the contributors aim to reimagine, as Derrida did, the tasks for the new humanities in such areas as history of literature, history of democracy, history of profession, idea of sovereignty, and history of man.
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    Public intellectuals in the age of viral modernity: An EPAT collective writing project
    with Petar Jandrić, Steve Fuller, Alexander J. Means, Sharon Rider, George Lăzăroiu, Sarah Hayes, Greg William Misiaszek, Marek Tesar, Peter McLaren, and Ronald Barnett
    Educational Philosophy and Theory 54 (6): 783-798. 2022.
    Michael A. PetersBeijing Normal University, Beijing, PR China;There is an ecology of bad ideas, just as there is an ecology of weeds– Gregory Bateson (1972, p. 492)While there are classical anteced...
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    From the ‘Yellow Peril’ to the ‘Asian Century’
    Educational Philosophy and Theory 55 (9): 983-989. 2023.
    The History of the World travels from East to West for Europe is absolutely the end of History, Asia the Beginning (Hegel, 1956, p. 103).In 1721 Christian Wolff gave a lecture on Confucius at Halle...
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    The geopolitical rebirth of the Anglosphere as a world actor after Brexit
    Educational Philosophy and Theory 55 (11): 1193-1196. 2023.
    Over two billion people speak English making English the largest world language by number of speakers but only the third largest by number of native speakers of English. Anglophonia has a number of...
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    Nietzsche's legacy for education: past and present values (edited book)
    with James Marshall and Paul Smeyers
    Bergin & Garvey. 2001.
    This collection of essays provides an introduction to Nietzsche's thought and educational writings, and examines questions concerning the centrality of values for education in postmodernity.
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    Using a theoretical and historical investigation, this study presents a poststructuralist critique of subject-centred reason against the background of the modernity/postmodernity and "information society" debates.