• Jak Filozofować w Polsce?
    Ruch Filozoficzny 1 (1). 2000.
  • Semantyka i intencjonalność
    Studia Filozoficzne 271 (6-7). 1988.
  • The Analytical Way (edited book)
    with Tadeusz Czarnecki, Katarzyna Kijanija-Placek, and Olga Poller
    College Publications. 2010.
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    The principle of bivalence and Suszko thesis
    Bulletin of the Section of Logic 38 (3/4): 99-110. 2009.
  • About the History of philosophy by Tadeusz Gadacz (review)
    Diametros 190-249. 2010.
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    Remarks on Extensionality and Intensionality
    In Jan Wolenski (ed.), Philosophical Logic in Poland, Kluwer Academic Publishers. pp. 321--325. 1994.
  • Momenty bytowe i modalności
    Studia Filozoficzne 291 (2-3). 1990.
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    Allgemeine Erkenntnislehre (review)
    Polish Journal of Philosophy 5 (1): 186-189. 2011.
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    O Historii filozofii Tadeusza Gadacza
    Diametros 23 190-249. 2010.
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    Wege zur Wahrheit (review)
    Grazer Philosophische Studien 39 236-238. 1991.
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    Globalization and justice
    Diametros 188-205. 2010.
    Globalization consists in the universality of the web of international economic and cultural interactions; this means that they comprise the entire world, not only its particular regions. Globalization processes are evaluated in various manners. Whereas some consider them to be an essential danger, others maintain that globalization is a device for solving many problems worrying humanity. This second perspective assumes that globalization will contribute to a relative equilibrium of the social s…Read more
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    Logic from a Rhetorical Point of View (review)
    Grazer Philosophische Studien 48 (1): 243-244. 1994.
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    This paper describes and compares the first step in modern semantic theory for deontic logic which appeared in works of Stig Kanger, Jaakko Hintikka, Richard Montague and Saul Kripke in late 50s and early 60s. Moreover, some further developments as well as systematizations are also noted.
  • Review (review)
    Theoria 77 (1): 87-89. 2011.
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    This paper discusses the distinctions indicated in its title. It is argued that the distinction between syntax and semantics is much more important for the present situation in logic than other distinctions. In particular, doing formal syntax and formal semantics requires the use of an informal melanguage based on ordinary mathematics
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    Truth and Satisfaction by the Empty Sequence
    In A. Rojszczak, J. Cachro & G. Kurczewski (eds.), Philosophical Dimensions of Logic and Science, Kluwer Academic Publishers. pp. 267--276. 2003.
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    Naturalism and Reism
    Dialogue and Universalism 17 (1/2): 13-19. 2007.
    This paper compares Kotarbiński’s reism and naturalism. It argues that basic ontological and epistemological reistic principles fit naturalism very well. In particular, the thesis claiming that there are only spatiotemporal things (bodies) gives a very simple naturalistic account of reality. Radical realism defended by Kotarbiński is a version of direct realism, a view about perception which is very accurate for naturalism. On the other hand, since difficulties of reism are also problems for nat…Read more
  • Uwagi w sprawie miejsca nauki polskiej w świecie
    Prakseologia 141 (141): 125-140. 2001.
  • The paper is a reply to Jan Czerniawski's paper „On epistemic impotence of analytical philosophy” (Filozofia Nauki 3-4/1998). Czerniawski argues that the analytic method consists either in arbitrary stipulations or in the appeal to linguistic intuitions. He claims that the latter are subjective and moreover they cannot help deciding objective problems, while the former are an arbitrary creation of truth. Hence, the analytic method has to be assisted by an intuitive insight into objective situati…Read more
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    Philosophical Logic in Poland (edited book)
    Kluwer Academic Publishers. 1994.
    Poland has played an enormous role in the development of mathematical logic. Leading Polish logicians, like Lesniewski, Lukasiewicz and Tarski, produced several works related to philosophical logic, a field covering different topics relevant to philosophical foundations of logic itself, as well as various individual sciences. This collection presents contemporary Polish work in philosophical logic which in many respects continue the Polish way of doing philosophical logic. This book will be of i…Read more
  • Kilka obrachunków rocznicowych
    Ruch Filozoficzny 1 (1). 2005.
  • Sur l'indétermination d'une théorie par les données expérimentales
    Zagadnienia Naukoznawstwa 23 (91-92): 343-346. 1987.
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    The Lvov-Warsaw school and contemporary philosophy (edited book)
    Kluwer Academic Publishers. 1998.
    This collection celebrates the centenary of the Lvov-Warsaw school, established by Kazimierz Twardowski in Lvov in 1895.
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    Metalogika i teorie empiryczne
    Roczniki Filozoficzne 54 (2): 299-310. 2006.
    Metalogic (as a part of metamathematics) deals with the properties of formalised mathe- matical theories. Its applicability to empirical theories is an object of debate. The paper defends the moderate view that although it is difficult to expect such spectacular results, as have been obtained on mathematical theories, nevertheless the metalogical analysis of the first two gives us some benefits. Empirical theories may be understood as axiomatised sets of propositions closed with the operation of…Read more