•  773
    The Principle of Peaceable Conduct as a Discrimination Tool in Social Life
    Argumentum. Journal of the Seminar of Discursive Logic, Argumentation Theory and Rhetoric 3 (1): 95-111. 2015.
    By exercising their (imperfect) capacity to discriminate, people try to recognize and to understand some important differences between things that make them prefer some things to other. In this article I will use my ability to discriminate between people and societies according to a principle which plays the role of attractor, both at individual and societal levels, namely the principle of peaceable conduct. This principle allows us to discriminate at the civic level between the people who have …Read more
  •  136937
    Comunicarea: o abordare praxiologică
    Casa Editorială Demiurg. 2004.
    Das Anliegen der vorliegenden Studie ist der Entwurf eines wirklichkeitstreuen Modells der Kommunikation. Ebenfalls hat uns interessiert, die konstitutiven Regeln der Kommunikation zu bestimmen und einige Wirksamkeitsnormen und moralische Normen, die mit wünschenswerten sozialen Kommunikationsformen assoziierbar sein könnten, zu identifizieren. Die Kommunikation ist ein facettenreiches und zugleich interpretationsoffenes Phänomen, welches zahlreiche unterschiedliche theoretische Modelle erlaubt.…Read more
  •  450
    Inférences traditionelles comme n-lemmes
    Argumentum. Journal of the Seminar of Discursive Logic, Argumentation Theory and Rhetoric 12 (2): 136-140. 2014.
    In this paper we propose to present from a new perspective some loci comunes of traditional logic. More exactly, we intend to show that some hypothetico-disjunctive inferences (i.e. the complex constructive dilemma, the complex destructive dilemma, the simple constructive dilemma, the simple destructive dilemma) and two hypothetico-categorical inferences (namely modus ponendo-ponens and modus tollendo-tollens) particularize two more abstract inferential structures: the constructive n-lemma and t…Read more
  •  272
    Democratic Public Discourse in the Coming Autarchic Communities
    Meta: Research in Hermeneutics, Phenomenology, and Practical Philosophy 2 (2): 386-409. 2010.
    The main purpose of this article is to tackle the problem of living together – as dignified human beings – in a certain territory in the field of social philosophy, on the theoretical grounding ensured by some remarkable exponents of the Austrian School − and by means of the praxeologic method. Because political tools diminish the human nature not only of those who use them, but also of those who undergo their effects, people can live a life worthy of a human being only as members of some autarc…Read more
  •  734
    Comunicarea politica: aspecte generale si ipostaze actuale
    Argumentum. Journal of the Seminar of Discursive Logic, Argumentation Theory and Rhetoric 3 101-146. 2004/2005.
    La communication politique peut être entendue comme action sémiologique collective qui se réalise dans le contexte de l’acte de gouverner une société et aussi bien comme acte d’exercice du pouvoir politique en ne faisant recours qu’aux signes. Actuellement la communication politique apparaît surtout sous la forme spécialisée du marketing politique et elle est centrée sur le but de gagner les élections. La “nouvelle” communication politique soulève quelques questions épineuses: (a) la carrière de…Read more
  •  433
    On the Presence of Educated Religious Beliefs in the Public Sphere
    Argumentum. Journal of the Seminar of Discursive Logic, Argumentation Theory and Rhetoric 13 (2): 146-178. 2015.
    Discursive liberal democracy might not be the best of all possible forms of government, yet in Europe it is largely accepted as such. The attractors of liberal democracy (majority rule, political equality, reasonable self-determination and an ideological framework built in a tentative manner) as well as an adequate dose of secularization (according to the doctrine of religious restraint) provide both secularist and educated religious people with the most convenient ideological framework. Unfortu…Read more
  •  678
    Semnificatie si intelegere
    Hermeneia 6 27-34. 2006.
    La signification est un phénomène social qui ne peut être compris de manière satisfaisante que par rapport à deux entités duales : une communauté et un langage. Elle se manifeste dans la sphère publique en tant que réponse discriminative à un stimulus sémiotique, c'est-à-dire en tant que réaction typique à un stimulus vicariant (qui rend possibles les expériences indirectes). Les modèles ou les schémas d’action sémiotique émergent de la conformité générale des membres d’une communauté à certaine…Read more