•  15
    Post-marxism, humanism and (post)structuralism: Educational philosophy and theory
    with David Neilson and Liz Jackson
    Educational Philosophy and Theory 54 (14): 2331-2340. 2022.
    Western Marxism, since its Western deviation and theoretical development in the 1920s, developed in diverse ways that has reflected the broader philosophical environment. First, a theory of conscio...
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    Professor Emeritus Ivan Snook
    with Tina Besley
    Educational Philosophy and Theory 51 (1): 130-131. 2018.
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    Poetry as Offence
    Educational Philosophy and Theory 44 (2): 129-132. 2012.
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    Post-truth and fake news
    Educational Philosophy and Theory 49 (6): 567-567. 2017.
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    Postdigital-biodigital: An emerging configuration
    with Petar Jandrić and Sarah Hayes
    Educational Philosophy and Theory 55 (1): 1-14. 2023.
    This dialogue (trilogue) is an attempt to critically discuss the technoscientific convergence that is taking place with biodigital technologies in the postdigital condition. In this discussion, Sarah Hayes, Petar Jandrić and Michael A. Peters examine the nature of the convergences, their applications for bioeconomic sustainability and associated ecopedagogies. The dialogue paper raises issues of definition and places the technological convergence (‘nano-bio-info-cogno’) – of new systems biology …Read more
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    Editorial: Heidegger, Phenomenology, Education
    Educational Philosophy and Theory 41 (1): 1-6. 2009.
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    On the public pedagogy of conspiracy: An EPAT collective project
    with Nesta Devine, Peter Roberts, Sean Sturm, Sharon Rider, Andrew Gibbons, Fazal Rizvi, and James Dunagan
    Educational Philosophy and Theory 54 (14): 2409-2421. 2022.
    What is it about conspiracies that make them so attractive and easy to believe yet difficult to debunk? Is the epistemological process of debunking the best or only pedagogy for dislodging conspiracies? Are all conspiracies irrational and/or unverifiable? To what extent, if at all, do today’s social media conspiracies differ from conspiracies in the past?
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    On the epistemology of conspiracy
    Educational Philosophy and Theory 53 (14): 1413-1417. 2021.
    One way of looking at conspiracy is to consider it a deliberately enhanced political weapon cultivated by those who push ‘fake news’ in a post-truth media environment. Thus, the story that Obama’s...
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    Open Science, Philosophy and Peer Review
    Educational Philosophy and Theory 46 (3): 215-219. 2014.
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    Oil geopolitics and eco-nightmares
    Educational Philosophy and Theory 49 (5): 435-438. 2017.
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    Obituary for Berislav Žarnić
    Educational Philosophy and Theory 49 (9): 848-848. 2017.
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    Our article relocates the debate about creative labour to the terrain of peer-to-peer interneting as the paradigmatic form of nonmarket – social – production. From Yann Moulier Boutang we take the point that creative labour is immaterial; it is expressed through people connected by the internet. Drawing on two social systems thinkers, Francis Heylighen and Wolfgang Hofkirchner, we transpose this connectedness up to a conception of creative labour as a supra-individual collective intelligence. Th…Read more
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    New histories of capitalism: from delineation to critique
    with David Neilson
    Educational Philosophy and Theory 51 (14): 1399-1407. 2019.
    Volume 51, Issue 14, December 2019, Page 1399-1407.
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    Named or nameless: University ethics, confidentiality and sexual harassment
    with Liz Jackson and Tina Besley
    Educational Philosophy and Theory 54 (14): 2422-2433. 2022.
    This paper focusses on our concerns about revelations about sexual harassment in universities and the inadequate responses whereby some universities seem more concerned about their own reputations than the care and protection of their students. Seldom do cases go to criminal court, instead they mostly fall within employment relations policies where the use of non-disclosure agreements are double edged, such that some perpetrators remain nameless even if the person offended against wants details …Read more
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    New age spiritualism, mysticism, and far-right conspiracy
    Educational Philosophy and Theory 55 (14): 1608-1616. 2023.
    When the moon is in the Seventh HouseAnd Jupiter aligns with MarsThen peace will guide the planetsAnd love will steer the starsThis is the dawning of the age of Aquarius–‘The Age of Aquarius’, 5th...
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    Marshalling the Self: James D. Marshall as Educational Philosopher
    Educational Philosophy and Theory 37 (3): 389-395. 2005.
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    Manifesto for the postcolonial university
    Educational Philosophy and Theory 51 (2): 142-148. 2019.
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    Manifesto for the postcolonial university
    Educational Philosophy and Theory 1-7. 2017.
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    Limiting the capacity for hate: Hate speech, hate groups and the philosophy of hate
    Educational Philosophy and Theory 54 (14): 2325-2330. 2022.
    On May 8, 2020, Antonio Guterres, United Nations Secretary-General warned on Twitter ‘the pandemic continues to unleash a tsunami of hate and xenophobia, scapegoating and scare-mongering’ ‘appealin...
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    Language-games philosophy: Language-games as rationality and method
    Educational Philosophy and Theory 54 (12): 1929-1935. 2022.
    Rationality is a matter of making allowed moves within language games. Imagination creates the games that reason proceeds to play. Then, exemplified by people such as Plato and Newton, it keeps mod...
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    Lyotard, nihilism and education
    Studies in Philosophy and Education 25 (4): 303-314. 2006.
    This paper argues the Lyotard's The Postmodern Condition is to be interpreted as a response to nihilism, especially in relation to the question of the legitimation of knowledge and the so-called crisis of narratives, and that, therefore, it provides an appropriate response to the question of nihilism in educational philosophy. The paper begins with a discussion of Nietzsche's and Heidegger's views of nihilism as a prolegomenon to Lyotard's views concerning European nihilism and the end of grand …Read more
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    Late Modernity from the Perspective of Girls’ Education
    Educational Philosophy and Theory 47 (10): 997-1005. 2015.
    Late Modernity is one of those imprecise concertina concepts like postmodernity or indeed modernity itself that expands to fill the theoretical void. These concepts are very broad historical catego...
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    Lotus heaven
    Educational Philosophy and Theory 53 (10): 962-966. 2021.
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    Lotus heaven
    Educational Philosophy and Theory 53 (10): 962-966. 2021.
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    Looking Forward in Anger1
    Educational Philosophy and Theory 44 (3): 238-244. 2012.
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    The next pandemic will erupt, not from the jungle, but from the disease factories of hospitals, refugee camps and cities. Wendy Orent, How Plagues Really Work,
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    The terms ‘knowledge economy’ and ‘knowledge capitalism’ have been used with increasing frequency since the 1990s as a way of describing the latest phase of capitalism in in the process of global r...
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    Kinds of Thinking, Styles of Reasoning
    In Mark Mason (ed.), Critical Thinking and Learning, Wiley-blackwell. 2008.
    This chapter contains sections titled: Introduction: Why the Present Emphasis on Thinking? Kinds of Thinking: Heidegger on What is Called Thinking? Wittgenstein on Thinking Styles of Reasoning Notes References.
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    Kinds of Thinking, Styles of Reasoning
    Educational Philosophy and Theory 39 (4): 350-363. 2007.
    There is no more central issue to education than thinking and reasoning. Certainly, such an emphasis chimes with the rationalist and cognitive deep structure of the Western educational tradition. The contemporary tendency reinforced by cognitive science is to treat thinking ahistorically and aculturally as though physiology, brain structure and human evolution are all there is to say about thinking that is worthwhile or educationally significant. The movement of critical thinking also tends to t…Read more
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    Kinds of thinking, styles of reasoning
    Educational Philosophy and Theory 39 (4). 2007.
    There is no more central issue to education than thinking and reasoning. Certainly, such an emphasis chimes with the rationalist and cognitive deep structure of the Western educational tradition. The contemporary tendency reinforced by cognitive science is to treat thinking ahistorically and aculturally as though physiology, brain structure and human evolution are all there is to say about thinking that is worthwhile or educationally significant. The movement of critical thinking also tends to t…Read more