• F R Dallmayr's G W F Hegel: Modernity And Politics (review)
    Bulletin of the Hegel Society of Great Britain 30 60-63. 1994.
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    A Left-Hegelian Anarchism
    The European Legacy 8 (6): 777-786. 2003.
    INTRODUCTION It is a commonplace to observe that the left-Hegelian Max Stirner is little-known.gure in the history of political and philosophical thought. However, that obscurity should not be exaggerated. The author of Der Einzige und sein Eigentum is not only familiar to certain rather specialised and largely academic circles-those with an interest in Hegelianism, for example, or in the early intellectual development of Karl Marx -he is also, and more widely, known as a member of, and in.uence…Read more
  • This chapter traces some connections between Karl Marx and British politics and culture in the nineteenth century. It outlines Marx’s engagement with Chartism, contemporary politics, and the International Association. It explores Marx’s attitude towards socialism in Britain, using Robert Owen as a case study. Marx’s balanced view of ‘utopian socialism’ includes a positive assessment of Owen’s critique of capitalism and his vision of future socialist society. Moreover, Marx excused certain weakne…Read more
  • E Kedourie's Hegel And Marx: Introductory Lectures (review)
    Bulletin of the Hegel Society of Great Britain 32 70-75. 1995.
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    Gareth Stedman Jones has written a scholarly and interesting biography of Karl Marx, framed by the plausible idea that the ‘authentic’ Marx needs to be recovered from layers of 20th-century misinterpretation. The book focuses more on the political context than the intellectual content of Marx's ideas, and its treatment of the latter has some limitations. Not least, the author underestimates the complexity, interest, and relevance, of certain elements of Marx's thought.
  • A solitary life
    In Saul Newman (ed.), Max Stirner, Palgrave-macmillan. pp. 21-42. 2011.
  • L Johnston's Between Transcendence And Nihilism. Species-ontology In The Philosophy Of Ludwig Feuerbach (review)
    Bulletin of the Hegel Society of Great Britain 37 97-100. 1998.