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    E-motion: Moving Toward the Utilization of Artificial Emotion
    with T. J. M. Bench-Capon
    Informal Logic 22 (3). 2002.
    During human-human interaction, emotion plays a vital role in structuring dialogue. Emotional content drives features such as topic shift, lexicalisation change and timing; it affects the delicate balance between goals related to the task at hand and those of social interaction; and it represents one type of feedback on the effect that utterances are having. These various facets are so central to most real-world interaction, that it is reasonable to suppose that emotion should also play an impor…Read more
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    Emotive Language in Argumentation
    Informal Logic 34 (3): 337-340. 2014.
    Book Review Emotive Language in Argumentation by Fabrizio Macagno and Douglas Walton New York: Cambridge UP. 9781107676657. Review by MICHAEL A. GILBERT Department of Philosophy York University 4700 Keele St, Toronto, ON M3J 1P3 [email protected].
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    Cooperative Argumentation: A Model for Deliberative Community (review)
    Informal Logic 24 (3): 269-271. 2004.
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    Coalescent argumentation
    Argumentation 9 (5): 837-852. 1995.
    Coalescent argumentation is a normative ideal that involves the joining together of two disparate claims through recognition and exploration of opposing positions. By uncovering the crucial connection between a claim and the attitudes, beliefs, feelings, values and needs to which it is connected dispute partners are able to identify points of agreement and disagreement. These points can then be utilized to effect coalescence, a joining or merging of divergent positions, by forming the basis for …Read more
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    Arguing: Exchanging Reasons Face to Face (review)
    Informal Logic 25 (3): 296-300. 2005.
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    Arguments & Arguers
    Teaching Philosophy 18 (2): 125-138. 1995.
    The author assesses three major problems in critical reasoning methods as taught in introductory logic courses. First, the author critiques the use of fallacies as a mode of analysis. Second, the author objects to the negative outlook expressed in the name “critical reasoning.” Lastly, the author scrutinizes the critical reasoning method's lack of focus on the people that are arguing or their relevance to the arguments under examination. The author suggests that critical reasoning should focus m…Read more
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    How to win an argument
    McGraw-Hill. 1978.
    It's not always the person who is right who wins the arguments, more often it's the person who argues best. Gilbert's practical, clever guide--which also serves as a text for his popular seminars on the art of arguing--shows readers how to hone their polemical skills, and how to counter the verbal weapons that may be in an opponent's arsenal.